OKish by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details
Went out this morning for today's 40-minuter, all full of hope if not yet expectation. And probably a good thing too, because I am still far from being great at this running thing.
Icing the achilles is most definitely making a difference, but it does still get quite painful at anything over a half hour. Add to that this morning's stunning heat levels and absence of breeze and it was a bit of an uncomfortable experience, with underwhelming results.
I am making a concerted effort to consume more 'proper' carbs regularly, but I still ran out of energy about 25 minutes into today's session. I'm hoping that is symptomatic of the sapping quality of the humid heat and nothing else. Limping home on final reserves of almost zero was a tiring and humiliating experience, compounded by the group of young men I almost ran into at the end with not-wearing-a-shirt-without-making-people-ill physiques. I have been avoiding the seafront so far, but am fairly sure it will be covered with men who should never be allowed to remove their tops, who nevertheless have. Men, in fact, with bodies like mine (or worse) who don't understand the profound physical and mental effects on other people of having to look at a state like that.
In other news, we had a lovely time at a garden centre this afternoon, where we purchased more plants for the herb garden and Colin got a folding bike. Exciting side effect of this is that I have permission to go ahead and get the motorbike I need to be independently mobile and travel further afield in search of freelance work, which I'm very excited about.
Feet up, ice packs at the ready this evening, hoping to be recovered for Tuesday's session. I have loads of recorded sport to watch this evening (caught the GP in full - damn FB and all my friends for their spoilers - missed quite a bit of the athletics), but can afford a bit of a lie in with working from home tomorrow. Am also hoping to make a date to catch up with my old team next week at some point. Plenty to look forward to!
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Stable Genius
5 years ago