
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Why do men have nipples?

So, I've finally restarted my physical activity. Set up the Wii Fit this morning and did a 20-minute session as a warm up. Actually, I did a 20-minute session and then had a ciggie, but what the hey.

Starting again with Sam Murphy's book 'Marathon from start to finish' as I'm aiming for the Brighton half marathon in February. 20 minute 'steady run' today, which wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be given my sedentary lifestyle since the London Marathon in April this year. I covered 2.24 miles. But my nipples are killing me, despite the low-friction running gear. Why, god, why? I know they're quite fun when they get the right sort of attention, but that hasn't happened this millennium and doesn't seem likely again....ever.

Depending on the pain level in my lallies, I'll try to get out again tomorrow. Anyone in Brighton know a good and cheap bike mechanic? I need some low-impact exercise while I train to try to protect these Friday-night-special knees of mine.

Excuse the overuse of the old hyphen. I'm finally starting to forget all the useless crap I learned at school. At least I didn't capitalise randomly like I do at work. Sometimes it's as if I were German!

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Fitness planning ahoy

Just returned from 2 weeks in Spain, staying at my parents' house in the hills in Almeria province, near the towns of Mojacar and Vera. It was utterly bona. a couple of really thundery days, which nobody minded as it turned the surrounding 'desert' environment a truly amazing shade of green as dormant plant life took advantage of the unusual weather. It also gave us an opportunity to spend time indoors playing ridiculous games and laughing a hell of a lot. Including doing Yoga and Aerobics on my prents' new Wii Fit, a birthday present to go with the Wii console we all clubbed together to get them for their ruby wedding anniversary.

Well, I'm inspired. It's real exercise, but indoors. So I bought myself one, too and will be using it regularly, as well as now committing to getting back into the whole running thing. I also need to get my bike fixed so I can start cycling to work every day again.

And the rest of the holiday was just great. Fresh, healthy mediterranean cuisine. Lolling about on the beach getting my lallies all bronzed and vardaing the dolly little pollones and great butch omies (of which there is a gratifying plethora) mincing up and down the sabled plage.

Back on pudding island (but with some surprising and most welcome sunshine), 8 weeks in the office and then off we all troll back to Spain for Christmas and new year.
