
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 11 September 2011

So, here's the plan!

Buggered if I know whether the link will work, but anyone who cares please let me know if you cannot see the thing.  Good news is, there's plenty of breathing room before I actually have to be training in earnest.  I've bunged in the rest of the getting-to-30-minutes sessions starting next week and then there are about 10 weeks before the programme kicks off properly.  So I've reproduced the first 10 weeks of the programme.

Stuff in green is really kind of optional, stuff in red means it needs to be taken seriously and is part of the schedule leading up to 22 April - the date of the London marathon 2012.  I have taken the programme from Sam Murphy's excellent 'Marathon from start to finish'.  I notice in Amazon she's released an update in 2009 which now also covers half marathons as separate discipline.  AND she's done one on Triathlons, too, which is where I think I'm going next.  The old knees won't take many more miles and there are some nice local triathlons, by all accounts.

I can say with some confidence that I won't do a lot of what's in this plan.  But I will be conscientious about recording what I do and sharing in case anyone out there is in the same boat and needs to know they're not suffering alone.  I'll try to keep it upbeat and amusing - you can read old entries to see if you think I've been successful on that in the past!

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