
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Cough splutter wheeze

It's been 3 weeks since I last ran.  I gave myself a couple of weeks off, guilt-free, as there was and is a lot going on lately and I am occasionally guilty of trying to take on more than is reasonable.  And this week I've been laid low by one of the many flu strains currently doing the rounds.  3 days off work and a lot of talking to people with my hand over my mouth.  At home, Colin's caught it too, so we've been blowing air kisses at each other from a distance all week in possibly the gayest display of gayness ever.  Even for me!

I am starting to feel almost human today and hope to be properly back to normal in fairly short order.  The alarm is set for 6a.m. tomorrow in optimistic anticipation.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Another early morning run - I like them!

Week 10 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

SO there was a 20-minute hill session in the schedule for this week. On Monday, actually, but me and Mondays do not mix so that was never going to happen! I did get out of bed at 6.30 yesterday to do it, but once up I simply couldn't be bothered. I hate hill sessions. I didn't want to do it and nobody could make me. So there.

The session scheduled for today was a 30-minute 'Level 1' jobbie. These 'levels' are the invention of a fit person and theoretically equate to a certain effort level, based on a %age of your maximum heart rate. I've written on this topic before, so won't labour the point, but I feel I have only 2 levels. 'Asleep' and 'heart attack' sum it up quite nicely. So I don't bother with them. I'm not entirely sure whether I'd progress better if I did, but then I'd have to wear a heart rate monitor as well as all the frightening lycra and GPS pedometer I already have to get sorted out every time I go for a run. I can't be bothered and think it an unnecessary expense. (You'd be amazed how much such tiny scraps of lycra cost! And, frankly, how far they stretch.)

The point is, I got up this morning and did the session. As usual, I had pangs of guilt over the session I'd decided to skip, so I made sure I covered a couple of the more horrible hills in these parts - being the South Downs, there are many to choose from. My frighteningly accurate (usually) pedometer actually shows me starting from the other side of the road to where I actually did (it sometimes does this, no idea why), but I believe the overall distance recorded is pretty damned accurate and am happified muchly by the resulting calculation of my average pace.

This is all going very well so far.