SO there was a 20-minute hill session in the schedule for this week. On Monday, actually, but me and Mondays do not mix so that was never going to happen! I did get out of bed at 6.30 yesterday to do it, but once up I simply couldn't be bothered. I hate hill sessions. I didn't want to do it and nobody could make me. So there.
The session scheduled for today was a 30-minute 'Level 1' jobbie. These 'levels' are the invention of a fit person and theoretically equate to a certain effort level, based on a %age of your maximum heart rate. I've written on this topic before, so won't labour the point, but I feel I have only 2 levels. 'Asleep' and 'heart attack' sum it up quite nicely. So I don't bother with them. I'm not entirely sure whether I'd progress better if I did, but then I'd have to wear a heart rate monitor as well as all the frightening lycra and GPS pedometer I already have to get sorted out every time I go for a run. I can't be bothered and think it an unnecessary expense. (You'd be amazed how much such tiny scraps of lycra cost! And, frankly, how far they stretch.)
The point is, I got up this morning and did the session. As usual, I had pangs of guilt over the session I'd decided to skip, so I made sure I covered a couple of the more horrible hills in these parts - being the South Downs, there are many to choose from. My frighteningly accurate (usually) pedometer actually shows me starting from the other side of the road to where I actually did (it sometimes does this, no idea why), but I believe the overall distance recorded is pretty damned accurate and am happified muchly by the resulting calculation of my average pace.
This is all going very well so far.
Updated Training Plan
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