A grotty old morning today, really misty/foggy. But I actually quite like weather like that for running, it's really rather refreshing. I have cut a load of corners this week and not done any of the shorter, technical-type runs that should hapen during the week. These are interval runs, hill runs, effing Fartleks (more about which here: http://www.theargus.co.uk/blogs/blogs/brighton_marathon/4662969.The_devil_is_real__And__p_s___he_s_Swedish_/) and things. They are all designed to build up both your speed and your endurance, so that the long run at the weekend - which increases by a mile each week - is manageable.
Not having done them, and only on Friday having run no-stop for 30 minutes for the first time in 18 months, today's run might have proved somewhat difficult. But, no! It was actually completely comfortable and I would go so far as to say that I actually enjoyed it. This is very good news indeed. It's the first run in this training plan that has been long enough for me to run along the beach in Hove and I had forgotten what a great place to run that is. Nice and flat, full of other runners to smile and wave at, or just nod if you're a bit knackered. The clocks having changed last night, it was also fairly early when I got there and lots of dog walkers were out with their little four legged friends. This is sometimes a problem, especially when they've let them extend their leads as far as they will go and you have to go all skippy jumpy to get past, but there was none of tht this morning. It was all deeply pleasant.
The middle 2 miles were the ones actually done on the seafront for the most part, and the sea breeze and torrential rain affected my pace a bit, but I managed to finish with a flourish - the last mile was the second fastest of the session, despite being largely uphill (slightly). Feeling very pleased with myself.
ON an unrelated note, can we please BAN HALLOWEEN? It's not a proper holiday and I returned home to notice that one of the rear tyres on my car (we pumped them all up yesterday) was completely, rim-to-the-floor flat. I suspect trick-or-treat foul play and even if it wasn't, I don't like having to spend the evening praying the doorbell doesn't ring like I did yesterday. Also, my porr cat was a nervous wreck all night with unnecessary firework stress. Humbugging over.
Updated Training Plan
Total Distance - very nearly 2 full marathons completed already!!!!!
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