
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Feeling hot, hot, hot

Week 5 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes times 6 - 30 minutes in total. The first session of this length and it nearly killed me. Absolutely scorchio out there, too.

Downloaded 'Mixed Up' by The Cure this morning. I used to have it and have no idea where it's gone. I used it as my training music today. I remember it being really quite dancey and, compared to the original versions, the tracks are definitely groovier. However, they are still fundamentally by The Cure and, in BPM terms, therefore categorisable as 'coma'. Not hugely compatible with impressive pace. But then, neither is being old, fat and lazy so I can't blame them entirely for my laughable performance! I have to do an identical session tomorrow and will revert to club classics and see if that makes a difference.

Distance, time and calories are all starting to build up quite satisfactorily already and I'm loving all the bells and whistles on the Garmin Connect site. In particular the 'player' that retraces your route and shows your speed and up/downhillness at every stage of the run. Not in real time, obviously, that would be ridiculous!

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