
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Another super day

Week 7 'Hard' by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Glorious weather continues!!! And so does decent running performance. I'm tracking average pace over the whole of each session - as these sessions currently include some walking time, I anticipate being around 9 minutes per mile when I begin doing all-running ones. The first one of these is due next Sunday!

The aim of these first 8 weeks is to get you to a point where you are able to run continuously for 30 minutes. When I first started this seemed, as it always does, a ridiculous proposition. In the early sessions, I was looking at my watch constantly to check whether it was time for a walk yet - and the running bits were only 2 minutes each! But it's a very clever training programme that clearly works, because I am feeling very good. Each weekend's long/hard run, you see, becomes the first during-the-week run of the following week. As you gradually build up the running sections and reduce the walking bits, you end up fit as a fiddle and your confidence grows without your even noticing.

Anyway, it's going well and I'm actually enjoying it, so onwards and upwards I say.

On a beautiful day like today, I feel I should spend as much time as possible outside. Only, I have to make a Christmas pudding at some point and think that should be today so I have time to 'feed' it loads of booze before we eat it. A nice dilemma to have and I'm in no rush to choose which to do. I'm cutting myself some slack, which is something I have decided I need to do more.

Stats as follows:

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