
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

It's bloody cold out

Week 8 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

What I want to do for these weekday sessions is get up at 6, run, cool down and stretch, have a leisurely coffee and a shower and pootle in to work in a relaxed fashion.  Yeah, right.  I cannot get our of bed at 6.  Not when it's pitch black out.  I may need one of those alarm clocks that simulates a sunrise or something.  That might help.  But left to my own devices?  Never gonna happen.

I did manage to drag my sorry carcass out of bed at 6.30, though.  I did the same session that was last week's 'hard' run: 15 minutes' running, 1 minute's recovery, twice over.  I didn't manage to cover quite as much distance as last time, at least in part I imagine due to the air shredding my lungs with every inhalation.  This weather is going from one extreme to the other, in no time at all!  I will need new gloves and a fright hat to keep my ears warm before too long.

Nevertheless, I have proved to myself that I am in fact capable of getting a run in, in the morning.  Even if afterwards I had no time for a coffee, rushed through the shower thing and fretted about where the bus was.  With Starbucks Gingerbread Latte season fast approaching, however, I am actually quite willing to forego my cup of Tesco Gold Roast at home before I set off!

Now taking body measurement readings twice a day - once when I get up and once at 8.30 pm - as there are some really wild-looking fluctuations in the charts when I'm just taking them when I manage to remember.  I'm hoping some consistency will deliver some consistency.  AND some evidence of progress, of which there currently is none.

Numbers and stuff:

Updated Training Plan

Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

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