
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Friday, 27 January 2012

Icy and slippy - and crap drivers everywhere!

Interval Session by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

It didn't feel any colder this morning than the last couple, but the roofs were all sparkly and I nearly went monumental-arse over shouldn't-even-have-them-tits getting down the drive. Good start, then. After that, though, it actually went fairly well. Ploddy, slow-paced bits were less ploddy than they have been and the harder intervals didn't strain my legs or breathing as much as similar levels of effort have been doing. Overall, the pace on this session was significantly better than recent runs have made me think I was capable of. Better, in fact, than the session I supposedly did at threshold pace.  Added risk introduced by the inability of people driving at that time in the morning to anticipate the presence of people on foot.  I know it's perhaps unusual and my slightly disturbing body shape and attire may not help, but open your bloody eyes and engage your brains, for god's sake.  Getting up and down kerbs is not fun at the best of times, but bouncing up and down the same one multiple times because some half asleep, drooling fool in a bad suit who clearly can't be in that much of a hurry to get to work because he hates his job else why would he have to drink himself to sleep at night and look like that in the morning..sorry, where am I in this sentence? - oh, yes, right - isn't sure whether he's turning this corner or not or whether he's going to let me go first or make me wait, is a confounded nuisance.

I'm also starting to see an encouraging trend in the body measurements. The weight's not exactly falling off, but I am losing it, and body fat. Deeply rude software still classifies me as 'Overfat', though.

This week is pretty packed with running - 5 sessions required all together, so this is sparing me the humiliating experience of further Zumba. Tomorrow's a low intensity session, followed by the 10 miler on Sunday. I'm hoping another couple of pounds could take flight before Monday! Getting up at 6 each day has posed no problems at all, so Zumba will be reinserting itself into my life next week on the non-running days. Maybe I'll get back my core strength and be able to change direction in a couple of weeks! It's all good and getting better. Yay.

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