
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Friday 26 July 2013

Keep on lumpin'

Keep on lumpin' by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I didn't do this session on Wednesday morning as scheduled.  I forget why.  And I didn't you it yesterday morning because I didn't want to, alright?

But I did it this morning (eventually) and it went OK.  I'm quite surprised about how slow I apparently went on the easy sections, but am quite chuffed with the final five minutes' harder running.

Having finally rammed myself into the specialist clothing, I am now sitting around in it rather than take it off.  We have no bathroom, I can't strip down and wash as the man is here trying to give us back a bathroom as quickly as possible and I might go out later and do today's planned session.  I know, right?  It's just 20 minutes of easy running, but as the long run this week is 90 minutes - something I've not yet managed I think a short session to stretch out the muscles would not go amiss.  I'm likely to do the long run on Sunday rather than tomorrow, as we're taking my aunt out for her birthday to an all day pub barbecue at a rather gorgeous country gastro pub.

Back to work now (from home), gotta get some cashflow going.  Getting to the first paycheck has been a bit of a struggle and a drain on the old savings, but hopefully I'll start seeing regular income now.  A huge weight off.

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