I know, I know, it's over a week later and I still claim to be in week 4. In my defense, I was preparing to leave one job, with a massive project to deliver, and preparing to start another. Quite apart from all the working, this also involved a substantial amount of alcohol consumption and a bit of a 'thank god, I can have a bit of a break' situation.
Anyway, I am now happily ensconced in my new role, cycling to work every day (12 mile round trip) and back to training properly. This run was bit of a struggle - quite a break since the last one, and also the first time I've attempted to do one having just cycled home.
Wednesday 7 November. Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, 5 times. 25 minutes total. 2,71 miles covered.
Stable Genius
5 years ago
Keep up the good work matey! Nice site too. will you be sporting a special 'go-fast' Marathon haircut this year? Rik