
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Wimped out again

It was just too cold for me last night and I'd got a lift to work and caught the bus home and couldn't face a warm up in that weather, let alone a run. But I cycled in to work this morning and will use the cycle home as my warm up, so will do this week's first run (I'm not doing the hill session), a 30 minute job, this evening while Colin's at college. I'd asked for company tomorrow night doing the first fartlek (see my home site for information on these sessions, link in a previous post below) but it doesn't seem to be attracting a positive response. These guys know what they're doing, as they've trekked deserts and climbed mountains so I'm not at all suprprised. I'll be doing that session alone, then. Whether I do it tomorrow as planned (this was based on running last night, not tonight) or leave it till the weekend (it would have to be Saturday so I coulsd do the long run on Sunday, but it's my work's Christmas party on Friday) I'm still not sure.

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