
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Bloody ill a-bloody-gain

Had a horrible time running on Sunday (as you will have seenin the entry for that day). When I got home, I started violently shivering, but just thought that was because of all the energy I'd burnt up. That's why they give you those lovely foil capes after marathons, after all. But then I lost all sensation in my fingertips and it took hours to come back. I had a nap after stretching and eating dinner and woke up feeling OK - no soreness, or stiffness. But since yesterday morning I've been feeling dreadful. Every muscle in my body hurts, I'm getting shooting pains in my bones (feels a bit like when you break a bone), I have a dry, sore throat and a cough and I feel all weak and shaky. And my stomach is in a mess. A couple of other people at work have the same thing and so does my aunt. I'll be trying a 30 minute run this evening, but am not convinced I'll get very far. But for the weekend runs to go properly, I need to spread out the shorter ones better through the week.

Hayley's still doing really well, by the way. I'm probably suffering more than she is lately!!!

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