
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Saturday, 31 March 2012

I have no words

20 minute hard run by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I think someone may have spiked my drink with drink.  Look at the map if you want. Ciao.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

2 sessions in 1 update!

20 minute interval by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

30 minute flollop by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I've been out twice this week so far.  Tuesday's session was delayed until yesterday due to circumstances beyond my control.  People need to learn how to drive, especially on bloody bus routes.  Nuff said.  It was a 30 minute jog, the traditional first session of the week to help get Sunday's kinks and strains ironed out, and it was lovely.  We've been really lucky with the weather, and although this means it's really hot by lunchtime when I'm usually stumbling to the finish of a Sunday jaunt, before work during the week conditions are perfect.

This evening's was an interval session, but only a 20-minuter.  It also went well, although the tendons in my knees that were really sore after the 19.5 miles on Sunday are feeling a bit tight again now.  Some more stretching and a writhe on the foam roller should resolve that, though.

I need to do a 20-minute hard run tomorrow and plan to do it before work.  It's very soon after tonight's, but I know after the Friday finish tomorrow I will have a drink and there's no point planning to run in the evening!

I can then have Saturday off again and do some more work in the garden, with 10 miles (which now feels like a warm up) on Sunday.  I think this gorgeous weather will have disappeared by then, but it might actually make for more comfortable running conditions.  I will also pass the 260 mile mark during that session.  That's 10 full marathons covered in training.  Blimey!

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Sunday, 25 March 2012

Never again (?) (!!!) (?????)

Final long run by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Can you sponsor me?  I now feel able to promise I'll finish the thing.  Any amount would be really appreciated.  Please hit my JustGiving page with whatever you can afford.  Sincere thanks.

Well, that's it.  The last properly long run in preparation for this year's Brighton Marathon out of the way.  Another stunning day, if what you have planned is a lot of lolling about.  Not so perfect if you're trying to drag your sorry great carcass all over the East Sussex coastline with limited fluids and even less confidence.

But in the end it all went rather well.  From the Shoreham end of the course, I could clearly see the Brighton end, which somehow made it shorter.  And my discovery of the public loos by the rather lovely Carat Cafe in the Southwick section of the harbour made that section much less stressful.  In fact, I did it twice!  This meant that when I hit Hove Lagoon for the third time I only needed to add a couple of short loops in Hove and Brighton to cover the full distance without having to ascend the cliffs by Brighton Marina.

Pace-wise, the first half definitely felt slower than I have recently been running.  This was not intentional, but means I now have a sense of what 10-minute-miling feels like on fresh legs and I faded a lot less than I usually do on long runs.  In the past, I've always set off at what I thought was a conservative pace only to find out when I uploaded and reviewed the data afterwards that I'd been shifting along at speeds much more suited to short sessions.  This has made me think I can't actually run slowly unless and until I'm incapable of running quickly.  A welcome change to my thinking and if there are pace runners on the day, I'll attach myself to mister 10-minute-miles and not lose sight of him come hell or high water.

Not running yesterday definitely helped with this, too.  Even with a couple of walk-stretch-cry intervals in there, I never felt I wouldn't finish and I completed 19.5 miles of my target 20 in 3 hours 21 minutes and change.  Not too shabby and just about on track for a PB over the full distance.  Factor in the amazing boost I always get from running with other people and the AMAZING crowd support on the day, I am really hopeful I will never, ever again have to complete a run of this distance with nothing but my music, my breathing and my own pain for company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It really takes it out of you mentally and physically, doing sessions like these alone, with only your own motivation and no real goal.  I burned over 2,500 calories and I'm starting to feel it now.  Doing my stretches a few minutes ago, I found myself completely incapable of counting to twenty!  Refuelling this afternoon and I expect to go to bed quite early tonight.

Work people, if I am late in the morning it's because we may have been a couple of minutes out when changing the clocks.  Getting to the bus stop at the same time as the bus is a bit of a precision exercise, I can't promise to get up early and leave myself extra time and if I time it wrong, I will not be able to run to catch it!!!  You'll see me when you see me.

I am feeling a lot more optimistic now.  I've been making 'this has to be my last marathon' type noises throughout training this time, mainly because I have not felt like I'd ever actually be capable of finishing, much less doing a decent time.  That's behind me now.  I'm not saying I will ever do another - I really do fancy the Hever Castle triathlon for next year - but I'm not quitting out of hatred of the experience any more.  Just out of a desire to try something else!

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Friday, 23 March 2012

Easy does it

45 mins by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

A nice post-work run on a glorious evening.  This week's weather has certainly been spoiling us.  I did this last night, but could not be bothered blogging then.  I can barely be bothered now, it's just too nice out there.  So this is a very brief 'I did it' post only.  I'm not running tonight as planned and I have no intention of running tomorrow - as I said in my last post, running the day before the long session is a no-no now.  So Sunday's session is next.   And, as I seem to have lost a week somewhere, it is to be my last mammoth training session before the big day, which means trying to hit 20 miles.  Eek.  If I can do 19 I'll be happy, 18 and I'll be satisfied.  Gulp, etc.

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Wednesday, 21 March 2012


25 minutes maximum effort by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Beautiful morning, stunningly successful run.  SUB BLOODY 8 BLOODY MINUTE MILING.  For me, this is a massive step forward.  I think helped greatly by obsessive stretching every day and the foam roller.  However undignified, uncomfortable and generally 'un' the damned thing is, it's definitely got rid of a few kinks and probably-years-old strains and scars.

I was on such a high after this session, and it hasn't worn off all day where usually I slump a bit after lunch having done one of these early sessions.  I think the 2 days off after Sunday's session probably helped, too, although that has become an established pattern of late so it can't have been the only factor in this improvement.  With this in mind, I am trying to replan the next few weeks to remove any Saturday runs.  Given there's only 3 weeks left, that shouldn't be too hard!

It has presented me with a little issue that there are only 3 weeks left, however.  I was planning to add 2 miles each Sunday, this week and next, to achieve the 20 miles that from past experience, and many conversations on the Facebook group for the Brighton Marathon, I think I need under my belt before attempting the 26.2.  But I don't have 2 more mammoth sessions left!  This week's is to be the last, after which I begin to 'taper' and try to store some sort of energy thing in my muscles by loading up on carbs.  So I have programmed my GPS for 20 miles this Sunday, but am not 100% sure I'll do them all.  Even if not, other people on Facebook are now chiming in to say a high teens miler before the big day will be more than enough to get me through the full distance, factoring in competitiveness and crowd surfing on the day.  I certainly hope they're being truthful and not just trying to calm down those of us who feel a little behind.  Or, indeed, themselves.

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Total Time

Sunday, 18 March 2012

3 week highlight report - 16 miles today!

Yes yes yes yes yes!

So it's been a patchy 3 weeks.  Or rather a crappy one followed by 2 where I did all the sessions I meant to, but not entirely successfully.  I had a bout of complete and utter exhaustion with accompanying snuffles, where 12 hours' sleep a night just wasn't anywhere near enough.  This meant I did nothing for a full week.

Since then, I've done a variety of sessions.  Last Sunday, I attempted 17 miles but only managed 13 before my ITBs in both legs started the knees collapsing and I had to stop.  Thank you SO MUCH to the lovely man in the very expensive car who came across me forlornly waiting for Colin to collect me from Hove Lagoon.  There are still some truly nice people in this world and it really cheered me up.

Tuesday evening I planned to run home from work.  I got about 100 metres along the seafront, when this gaggle of girls started screaming my name (which is prominently featured on the front and back of my running vest).  Fearing a lairy teenager plague, I kept on going, but they didn't stop.  When I did eventually turn round to see what was going on, there were three of them chasing me along the seafront, each waving a different item of clothing.  Including, yes, boxer shorts.  Bless them, too, and shame on me for jumping to conclusions.  Cheap rucksack could not cope and popped open again a few seconds after I reorganised everything and tried to start again.  So I got the bus.

Weekday runs are really improving, both the ease and the pace.

Today.  Now, today, I should really have been doing 18 miles.  But given my recent history on these long runs and the interrupted nature of my training, I decided I would be happy with 15 - 14 was my previous longest run, 3 weeks ago.

I decided to do the Shoreham Harbour thing on this run, which I've not done before, and do a series of loops up and down the Hove and Brighton proms.  I've seen a bunch of people on the Brighton Marathon Facebook group talking about doing the Shoreham bit in preparation.  I remember it was the most boring bit of 2010's course, when it lacked any spectators (there's nowhere for them) and any entertainment (so why would they go there anyway), but I believe it's been remedied since.  Anyway, the sun was beating down, there was a gorgeous cool sea breeze and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

When I got back to Hove seafront, I had covered a big distance already and this really lifted my spirits.  Once out to the Peace Statue and back to Hove lagoon, then back out past the pier and the wheel and I turned for home with about 5 miles of the 18 left to do.  Pretty perfect distance-wise and almost like I'd planned it!

But then, oh my god, my feet hurt.  I mean, really, really hurt.  And then I started to get really tight in the muscles in what I can only describe as my groin.  I walked a bit and stretched a bit and got going again, though.  This is about the point last week where I reached my 'oh my god I can't do this I must be mad!' stage.  I'm very proud of myself and I eventually covered 16 miles.  This brought me back to Hove Lagoon again and Colin came to collect me.  Warm glow of satisfaction is now (3.5 hours later) overtaking aches and pains.  I've done some intense stretching and the foam roller is looking at me.  I'll tackle that later.  No crying, no dying and no injuries.  Hallelujah.  Also very impressed with the new drinks belt.  Made a huge difference not having to carry 1.5l (i.e. 1.5 kg) of fluid in my hands.

I've also decided to try to plan to finish at Hove Lagoon from now on.  The bit from there back home is intensely unpleasant - lots of roads to cross, lots of kerbs to negotiate (does anyone else have trouble getting up and down kerbs after 15 miles or so?  They feel about 10 foot high to me.) and generally uphill, quite steeply.  I have tried to sweeten the 'you're going to have to collect me every week' pill with Colin by suggesting he gets as far as the pub down there and waits.  We could have roast dinner there!!!  Not sure it's worked yet.

Anyway, if I can add 2 miles each Sunday for the next couple of weeks I'll have done what I have ever managed previously in training and be as prepared as I'm going to be for the big day.  Got the e-mail with my runner's number yesterday.  It's all getting very real!  If the black and pink vest, with 'LEE' front and back is not enough for you to pick me out, I'm wearing number 9276.

Updated Training Plan

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