
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Thursday, 29 March 2012

2 sessions in 1 update!

20 minute interval by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

30 minute flollop by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I've been out twice this week so far.  Tuesday's session was delayed until yesterday due to circumstances beyond my control.  People need to learn how to drive, especially on bloody bus routes.  Nuff said.  It was a 30 minute jog, the traditional first session of the week to help get Sunday's kinks and strains ironed out, and it was lovely.  We've been really lucky with the weather, and although this means it's really hot by lunchtime when I'm usually stumbling to the finish of a Sunday jaunt, before work during the week conditions are perfect.

This evening's was an interval session, but only a 20-minuter.  It also went well, although the tendons in my knees that were really sore after the 19.5 miles on Sunday are feeling a bit tight again now.  Some more stretching and a writhe on the foam roller should resolve that, though.

I need to do a 20-minute hard run tomorrow and plan to do it before work.  It's very soon after tonight's, but I know after the Friday finish tomorrow I will have a drink and there's no point planning to run in the evening!

I can then have Saturday off again and do some more work in the garden, with 10 miles (which now feels like a warm up) on Sunday.  I think this gorgeous weather will have disappeared by then, but it might actually make for more comfortable running conditions.  I will also pass the 260 mile mark during that session.  That's 10 full marathons covered in training.  Blimey!

Updated Training Plan

Detailed Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

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