
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Monday, 16 April 2012

Oh well. Never mind. And never again.

Brighton Marathon 2012 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Nowhere near the time I was hoping for or expecting.  But at mile 10 I knew is wasn't going to be.  I started getting the kinds of pain in my knees and hips I don't usually get until 15 miles+.  By half way, I was going backwards, gradually falling behind the 4 hours 30 pace guy I had been tracking - if I could just have finished ahead of him, it would have been a guaranteed PB.

At mile 18 I seriously considered dropping out and spent several minutes sitting at the side of the road or wandering up and down trying to muster the courage to continue.  Knowing my aunts and my hubby were waiting somewhere along the Shoreham Harbour stretch, I eventually got going again.  Only to burst into tears when I saw them and have another attack of the pathetics.

Having got that far, dropping out would have been pointless - I'd have to get to the finish to collect my belongings and it's a straight line from the Harbour to the finish line - no short cuts to be had.  Crowds, as ever, were amazing, but I was probably less responsive and appreciative than usual.  I was locked away in a contracting world of intensifying pain.  My pedometer shows a time of 5 hours 4 for the marathon distance.  But given the wandering off the course for deep breathing and crying, I still had half a mile to go when it stopped tracking my progress to actually get over the finish line.

I did it though!!!

My body is sending me messages I can't ignore any more.  I can't put myself through another one of these.  Triathlon research to follow and I hope to do my first some time next year.  Crossing the finish line at the end of a marathon is truly one of the greatest experiences anyone can have.  And these big city marathons are great for the closeness and enthusiasm of the crowds.  I may not be planning to repeat the experience myself, but if you've not done it I really believe you should, just once!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Here we go, here we go, here we go!

Finally.  It's here.  Scared for now, expect excitement to kick in when I get to Preston Park.

Family efforts to soothe me so far this morning have consisted of 'You're only going out for a run, Lee'.  I expect the theme to continue through the race, with traditional family 'encouragement' consisting of things such as 'Hurry up, my feet are killing me' and 'How much longer, I'm starving'.

If you're running, congratulations and enjoy the day.  You are amazing.

If you're supporting, thank you.  You're pretty fabulous, too.

If you're doing neither, what the hell are you up to?  Get on board, you won't regret it!

I'm number 9726, wearing Diabetes UK pink and black.  My work friend Laura's also running today, for Albion In The Community.  She's number 10336.

Will be leaving to get the train in about 10 minutes.  Deep breathing all the way.  Yikes.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


Can you tell where my mind is right now?

Did my last training run on Thursday morning, a little 5 mile trot.  Collected my race pack from the Brighton Centre yesterday lunchtime.  Have been swinging wildly between excitement and terror ever since.

Given up on all the spreadsheets, charts and stuff now.  Simply can't be arsed.  But will include a link to the Garmin record of the big day tomorrow, when I pull myself together and upload it.

Hoping the weather's sufficiently good to draw some crowds tomorrow.  You really do make all the difference in the world.  To identify me, look for the image below and imagine it with a tiny crewcutted head at the top, a distinct midriff bulge and skinny legs sticking out the bottom.

P.S.  Eeeek.

Friday, 6 April 2012

30 minute slow-fast. Nearly there!

30 minute slow-fast by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Intentionally slow-fast.  20 minutes of light jogging followed by 10 minutes of cough-your-guts-up running.  No idea why, I just do what the book says.  Another stunningly perfect day for running, we really need it to be like this next weekend.  I really, really can't wait now.  Going to make the most of this long weekend and do absolutely nothing (apart from 5 miles on Sunday), a couple of very light sessions next week and then away we go!

Totally off topic, but weighing really heavily on my mind.  I ordered a car through Tesco cars.  They secured me finance, and make a series of encouraging calls.  It was a great customer experience and we were both tremendously excited.  Then on Wednesday they called again.  I was expecting this to be the 'we have your car, the finance is ready and we will upload your photos so you can make your final decision' conversation.  No.  They actually said they had closed the site and the business effective Tuesday and I would not be getting my car.

Now, I was in a meeting at the time and in any event I tend to react to these things in a resigned, accepting way. But when I went to the site ( - check it out), I read that they would complete pre-existing orders if the car was with them.  My car was due to be with them on the day they called.  I had not been offered this option, it was presented to me as a fait accompli.  I got angrier and angrier, eventually calling them and saying I wanted my car.  They said they'd call back that day or yesterday.  No news.  I do not believe they have any intention of even investigating the possibility of completing the transaction.  Their twitter customer service is giving nothing but stock 'sorry for any inconvenience' crap.  I am fuming.  Not only do I not have a new car, I also have a finance search record on my credit history that means I'll never be able to get a loan myself now.  And I can't follow up with the original loan company, as they don't lend direct to consumers.  And I don't know where my car is anyway!  So I'm never shopping at Tesco ever again.  That's roughly £12,000 in grocery spend a year that Sainsbury's will now be getting instead, plus goodness knows how much petrol.

Rant over.

Updated Training Plan

Detailed Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

20 MINUTE interval. Damn technology

20 MINUTE interval by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

OK, so I blame the technology, but it's actually my own fault.  Today's run (chilly but still lovely this morning!) was an interval run, requiring 5 repetitions of a 3-minute-jog-1-minute-sprint cycle.  Only when I created and uploaded the workout to my GPS, I only set it to repeat 4 times!  So I may have actually run for longer and travelled further than the 2.16 miles and 20 minutes I've claimed.  I extrapolated this from the 1.73 miles and 16 minutes my GPS actually recorded.

Anyway, nice easy session to get me back into it this week.  Thursday, Friday and Sunday planned for the rest of the week.  VERY much liking the shortness of this week (and next) and hoping the weather allows me to enjoy the long weekend.

Update Training Plan

Detailed Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

Sunday, 1 April 2012

10 miles. 90 minutes. SO ready. Bring it on!!!

10 miles by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I wasn't pushing hard or anything, but this is 30 seconds a mile quicker than last time I did a 10 miler.  Last weekend's successful 19.5 really boosted me and the week's sessions have all gone well, but this was very unexpected.  I need to make sure I don't get carried away and set out at this pace on the day, or I'll really suffer.  Again.  I'm crap at pacing myself!

I like this taper phase of the training, it always feels like the hard work's done and I'm just looking forward to an amazing day.  If the weather on the day could be like today's, it would be perfect.  A lot cooler than it has been, but still gorgeous blue skies and bright sunshine.  Loved it.  Cannot wait.  Come ON, already!!!!!!

Updated Training Plan

Detailed Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time