
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Friday, 6 April 2012

30 minute slow-fast. Nearly there!

30 minute slow-fast by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Intentionally slow-fast.  20 minutes of light jogging followed by 10 minutes of cough-your-guts-up running.  No idea why, I just do what the book says.  Another stunningly perfect day for running, we really need it to be like this next weekend.  I really, really can't wait now.  Going to make the most of this long weekend and do absolutely nothing (apart from 5 miles on Sunday), a couple of very light sessions next week and then away we go!

Totally off topic, but weighing really heavily on my mind.  I ordered a car through Tesco cars.  They secured me finance, and make a series of encouraging calls.  It was a great customer experience and we were both tremendously excited.  Then on Wednesday they called again.  I was expecting this to be the 'we have your car, the finance is ready and we will upload your photos so you can make your final decision' conversation.  No.  They actually said they had closed the site and the business effective Tuesday and I would not be getting my car.

Now, I was in a meeting at the time and in any event I tend to react to these things in a resigned, accepting way. But when I went to the site ( - check it out), I read that they would complete pre-existing orders if the car was with them.  My car was due to be with them on the day they called.  I had not been offered this option, it was presented to me as a fait accompli.  I got angrier and angrier, eventually calling them and saying I wanted my car.  They said they'd call back that day or yesterday.  No news.  I do not believe they have any intention of even investigating the possibility of completing the transaction.  Their twitter customer service is giving nothing but stock 'sorry for any inconvenience' crap.  I am fuming.  Not only do I not have a new car, I also have a finance search record on my credit history that means I'll never be able to get a loan myself now.  And I can't follow up with the original loan company, as they don't lend direct to consumers.  And I don't know where my car is anyway!  So I'm never shopping at Tesco ever again.  That's roughly £12,000 in grocery spend a year that Sainsbury's will now be getting instead, plus goodness knows how much petrol.

Rant over.

Updated Training Plan

Detailed Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, in all my ranting, I forgot to thank everyone for getting me to my fundraising target! Including my amazing parents, who may have forgotten that they actually started the ball rolling in the first place and made another big contribution. Or maybe they're feeling guilty about spending my inheritance on their round the world tour. Or possibly they've got some kind of post traumatic euphoria after finally escaping the floods and chaos in Fiji.
    In any case, I'm hugely grateful to everyone, but if you haven't contributed yet and were going to YOU STILL CAN! :-)


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