
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Finally! Long run achieved

Finally! Long run achieved by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

After many weeks of trying I have finally managed to put together a session that lasted longer than an hour.  And I'm very pleased with myself.

It was bloody hot, hard work this morning and it was touch and go around the 1 hour mark, when I did walk for a bit while rehydrating.  Drinking on the run is still not a forte and I had to get some fluid down me.

Having snarfed down a load of fruit juice and then some water, though, I got going again.  This often causes me problems - once I stop, that's usually that.  But it went OK today.  I'm clearly not breaking any records but I have broken what was becoming a worrying string of failures.  The mental block at 1 hour is now gone.

Relaxing for the rest of the day, I've had enough sunshine thanks very much.  I'm not one of these people who whinged endlessly that we weren't getting a summer and is now whingeing about the heat.  I love this weather.  But there is a limit to how long I can sit or be out in it and I've reached it.

Another run tomorrow morning (today's should have been done yesterday, actually) before the men come to demolish our old and hideous bathroom and put in something nice and shiny and modern.

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