
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Acceleration attempt 2

Acceleration attempt 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Today was a start-slowly-then-get-progressively-faster session lasting 35 minutes.  Last time I was asked to do this I laughed. Ha bloody ha.  This time it went slightly better.

Early morning, although not as early as yesterday, so the 10 minute warm up actually built into the session was most welcome.  By the time the first pace increase came along, I was well ready for it and coped splendidly.  I was trying to avoid being on an uphill bit when the second acceleration was required, so ran straight up Boundary Road, to then head along Victoria Road.  This appeared to be a clever and marvellous plan until I got to within about 20 metres of the turning and the bloody level crossing went into train-coming-spaz-out mode.

I know they're there for our safety, but when I am at the no-breaks-no-steering stage of a run, i.e. when I'm out doing a run, 180 degree about-faces are my worst nightmare.  Well, them and hills.  And headwinds.  And cyclists on the prom (let's not go there).  It turned OK in the end, though.  I did end up having to do the maximum pace bit on a slight incline, but most of that was on a bit where I generally try to push the pace anyway.  It improves the uphill running technique, you see.  (Yes, there is such a thing.)  I'm actually more comfortable (but not quicker) running uphill than down now - need to work on a downhill technique that protects the knees a bit better.

Anyhoo, I covered a greater distance than the last session of this type I attempted and am home for a day of no paid work, but plenty of chores.  I worked all weekend and need a little headspace and me time.  Some of which I hope to spend as Wii time.

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