
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Friday, 9 August 2013

Consistency is key

Consistency is key by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I am getting better and better at pacing these half-hour 'easy' runs and it's getting ever easier to achieve the pace I'm after and maintain it.  Today's session felt really great when I eventually braved the weather.  I chickened out once.  I can do wet or I can do windy, but both together is just too much unless it's race day.

The pacier session I did earlier in the week definitely helped with the stride length and technique today, all I did was turn down the tempo.  Sub-nine-minute miling, no fuss, no stress.  Loved it.

I should be attempting to complete, for the first time, 90 minutes tomorrow.  But my parents are coming round for the evening, which could get quite messy.  I have to do at least one run of at least this length before the big day and I really hope it's tomorrow, so I can have another go if it doesn't quite come off!  All depends on the diet today and the headache tomorrow.

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1 comment:

  1. Tentatively predicted messiness did indeed materialise last night, so am recuperating today and will run again tomorrow instead. Then over to sis for a bbq!


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