
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Another drizzly run

Up at 6, a quick coffee and off I went.

Definitively avoiding hills wherever possible for now. I encounter a couple of minor ones and I think it's my technique that screws me, but I seem to lean forward and compress my diaphragm, which basically means I don't breathe at all when I'm running uphill. I have a feeling this is not ideal.

Frightened the occasional dogwalker this morning - I still maintain that nobody looks good in lycra, and even wearing another layer on top I'm a particularly disturbing vision at 6.15 in the morning. Small dogs I can outrun and large ones tend to head for the hills (figuratively, although I obviously wouldn't be going in that direction, so it wouldn't be a bad move it it was literal, either!), so it's not too bad.

6.2 k in 34 minutes. Pacing not bad at all. I need to sit down with the 16 week programme - which I plan to do twice - and work out when I need to start.

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