
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Saturday, 11 July 2009

How I love the rain

Did the usual run to Tescos this morning. I think there must have been a Saga tour or something. Full of old people stopping dead with no warning, turning their trolleys sideways and blocking entire aisles and generally being hopeless and tiresome.

I don't know if it's because I'm reading a Jeremy Clarkson book, but I completely lost the ability to be polite to...anyone...old people, slags with uncontrollable multiple brats, you know the types. I resorted to running over the children (no great loss to society, in fact I may have saved us all a few bob) and bashing into everyone else's ankles shouting, 'Excuse me, non-pointless-young-person-with-a-continuing-contribution-to-make coming through!' And I let down the tyres on the old gits' coach. Well, I didn't, but I bloody well would have had there been one.

Blood was still a bit boily when I got home, so I decided to release some tension with a run. I've been doing, just in case you've managed to miss previous instalments, the same course for a while now, trying to shave time off. I decided this time to increase the distance and see how that went.

The rain is actually really great to train in, as long as it's not too windy, and today's conditions suited me quite nicely. Did 7.5 k in 42 minutes, which is nothing to write home about but also nothing to panic about, given that I've got 9 months until the marathon.

And a body update, for anyone interested. There's definite gluteal tautness and upliftage developing, but persistent abdominal and mammary porridgeyness.

Also, I still think my nose is too big, my top lip's too thin and I have a weak chin.


  1. LOL, sorry hun, but no matter how hard you train, your nose won't get any smaller LOL! you could of course pull an MJ, but you know where that got him.

  2. Tried to leave a comment and this stupid thing deleted it when it asked me to log in! Anyway, I was saying that no matter how hard you train, your nose won't get any smaller. You could pull an MJ but we all know where that lead him. @-) (that's a cyclop smiley btw)

  3. Love the style of writing compadre, keep on keeping on..! (woowah)


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