
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Don't give up on Summer just yet!

Yesterday. Ooooh, no thankyou very much. My garden seemed to enjoy it, but I didn't and nor did my cat.

Today's much more like it. Got up early enough to go for a run, but decided instead to cycle to work. I've tried before doing both on the same day and it simply doesn't work. Or rather, it didn't when I was smoking like a chimney. May be worth a try at some point, I suppose. Especially if I'm ever going to do a triathlon, which I really quite fancy.

I don't own a pair of scales (I feel the same about them as I do about mirrors, they're bastards), but I do have a Wii Fit. I may dare a quick weigh-in and yogafest and try to build that back into my routine to monitor whether all this tedious moving about is having any effect.

Quite flatteringly, a lot of colleagues who've signed up for Brighton next year as their first marathon are coming to me for advice. They've all seen the picture of me on the London course with a beer and a cigarette in 2005 and they still come to me. Talk about laugh.

Anyway, on with the work thing now.

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