
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Lies, damned lies!

Lies, damned lies! by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

So, I missed Sunday's planned session.  Slippery slope beckons, I know, but it was too bloody cold and I don't want to get sick.  It would 1. make sticking to the plan even more difficult and 2. jeopardise my weekly visits to sister and nephew, which are the only thing I really look forward to in my jobless hell.  I've tried to keep my chin up and bounce back, but I'm running out of chin (although I currently have several, looking forward to shedding a few with this new 'active lifestyle') and my bounce is almost gone.  I hate this.

Anyway, I also suffered equipment failure on today's run.  My GPS lost satellite reception 3 minutes 47 seconds in and didn't pick it up again after I reset (by accident, do not attempt equipment manipulation on the move!!!).  So I ran for longer than planned and covered more ground, at a better pace than the rather gallumphing one calculated, on this run.  In my current mood, this molehill is assuming K2 proportions.

I need a nice hot shower (it's not all that toasty out there today, either), a healthy lunch and a flop before jumping back on the job hunt.

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