
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Monday, 11 February 2013

Nearly ready to start all over again

I have failed utterly to keep the running going as part of my normal routine.  No huge surprise there.  But I applied on a whim (unemployment-related boredom can be very dangerous) for this year's Great North Run and got a place.  I'm not breaking my self-imposed 'never again', as that applies only to marathons.  And if I can stay off the cigarettes permanently, I may break that one as well.  I have managed to convert myself and my whole family to e-cigarettes, helped at least in part by the arrival of little Aidan Kyle Stanley.

So expect more self-torture and, if I can reactivate my stagnating brain, humourous anecdotes on training in the near future.  And a renewed round of begging on a new JustGiving page, which I'll set up shortly and refresh the little widget over to the right.  The good things about the GNR are that it is a half marathon and also that, although it is in September, with a risk of bad weather on the day, I will be training through the Spring and Summer.  No icy sessions or gale force winds on the prom, which is what I've had in the past when training through Winter for the London and Brighton marathons.

I'll also be geeking my way through training with more maps, charts and stats on my progress, more for my own consumption than anyone else's, I imagine.

So ciao, bis bald and a bientot (apologies any foreign visitors, I don't know the codes for accented characters, so I'll just get as close as I can with my English keyboard if I feel the need to continue with pretentious foreign ejaculations!).

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