A new beginning by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details
So, I have had a training plan calculated for me with the Great Run website. I'm having various usability issues with it at the moment, in terms of using it on an ongoing basis to record my progress, but I'm continuing to use my Garmin anyway, so the links at the start of these posts will get you to info if you're interested.
The Great Run plan was easy enough to set up, so it is a schedule I will follow to get me to the big day. You simply answer various impertinent, yet pertinent, questions - my responses can be summarised as 'old', 'fat' and 'do not let me shame myself or my family'. You'd think that, given that I've occasionally got dressed and left the house for over 40 years, I might deal with embarrassment by now. But there are degrees in these things, you know? What I really want to avoid is being overtaken by one of those guys carrying a life-size model of a taxi, or a rhino. Or Floella Benjamin - not a model, you understand, the actual lady herself -as happened in my first London marathon. I don't mind those Water Aid boys carrying toilets, though. They always seem to be deeply dreamy and just trying to keep them in view can knock minutes off my finish time. Anyway.
I'm not in full training yet, that doesn't start for a few weeks. I 'volunteered' during the sign up process for some getting-started sessions in the build up, though. These seem to be 15 to 25 minute sessions for the most part, 3 or 4 times a week. And I did the first one today. It was billed as a '15 minutes easy running' session. If you accept 'slow and laboured' as a valid definition of 'easy', as I have come to accept that I must, I can declare it was a 100% success! 10 minute/mile pace on average, which is officially jogging and a lot better than officially walking or officially wasting-your-time-get-back-on-the-sofa.
Next scheduled session is Tuesday, when my aim will be to get further in the 15 minutes allowed than I did this time. Easy does it.
Stable Genius
5 years ago
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