
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Starting as I hope to go on

Starting as I hope to go on by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

A splendid start to the day, this run is the best-paced session I have managed for almost a fortnight.  I knew the first lap was good based on how far round my loop I had managed to get, but was really pleased with how well I kept up the pace on the 2nd half.

Brain now buzzing, I must shower quickly and then review my prep for my meeting later this morning.  Eeek.  Apologies for brevity, but needs must.

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Sunday, 28 April 2013

God bless mother nature

God bless mother nature by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

What an utterly glorious day!  Why are you sitting there reading this rubbish?  Get outside and enjoy it while it lasts.

Today's run, while a bit long and therefore something of a slog, was thoroughly enjoyable.  Smiley, happy people all over the place.  Gorgeous sunshine.  Pleasant breeze.  Pace was by no means record-breaking, but I was hampered a bit by having forgotten (again) how to drink on the run and the need for the occasional 'drink rest' to rehydrate.

I've done over 16 and a half miles this week, which is extremely gratifying and things are going very well.  Long may this (and the wonderful weather) continue.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

It's me again

It's me again by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

First off, I'm fairly certain I have been robbed of about 0.1 miles by my GPS.  Again.  It was being very slow picking up satellites and I lost patience with it.

But, having missed the mid-week run this week in favour of having a couple of tiny drinkettes, today's half hour actually went quite well.  It is turning cold again and we're promised overnight frost tonight, which is adding some extra trepidation to tomorrow's schedule 50 minutes.  Not sure why I bolded that, it's only 5 minutes up from what I've done already, but it's quite a big, scary number nevertheless.

I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks.  There's some tentative movement on the job front, which I hope to follow up on Tuesday and Colin has a couple of weeks booked off, so we may try to get away for a short break if things go as we hope.  I'll also therefore be getting my massage (leaving gift from iCrossing) booked in for next week and try to catch up with some of the lovelies I left behind.

Attempting a Hairy Dieters recipe tonight, so off to see if Tesco do all the ingredients now.  Incidentally, tht's what olin bought with one of his birthday vouchers.  I believe that's all of those spent now, by both of us, so I'll post a list of everything we got between us for people to laugh at later.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Morning has broken...

Morning has broken... by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

..and I haven't!  So, I didn't quite get up and go this morning, but I did at least get up.  Sparing details, curry the night before a run is not conducive to making a prompt exit!!!

Still, after 45 minutes yesterday, I did 30 this morning (eventually) and again it was quite easy.  And now, a plea for help.

I am now smoke-free, and so are my entire family and a lot of our friends, thanks to the amazing Tornado Tank vaper.  This an absolutely genius product (there are lots of choices, too), which no tobacco or drugs company would ever have come up with.  It's available with a simply enormous range of different flavour products, in different nicotine strengths.  Perhaps somewhat inevitably, there are now plans to have them regulated as medical products, killing off all innovation, probably the flavour choices, and definitely the majority of the fluid strengths.  We must stop this.  This page has details of the plans afoot in the UK and Europe and what to do about it.  Please read and take action, whether you're a current or future user or just someone with an interest in consumer choice and, perhaps, smoking friends you would hope would convert in the future.  This is so important.

I am reproducing below the letter I wrote, so it's a simple copy and paste job (with editing if you like).

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to protest in the strongest possible terms at plans to re-categorise e-cigarettes and similar products as medical products, and restrict the options available to current and future users with regards both to the fluids to be used with these products and the electronic products themselves.

As a consumer, I have chosen to use these products as an alternative to cigarettes.  As a result, I am no longer consuming all the thousands of other harmful compounds found in traditional tobacco products, nor am I afflicting anyone around me with the effects of 'second hand smoke'.  I have seen tremendous benefits to my health already, and am cutting down the amount of nicotine I consume as well by progressive moving to weaker fluids.  All this while enjoying a variety of flavours that tobacco cannot replicate, and drug companies lack the imagination or incentive to offer.

In my particular case, this follows years of trying and failing to give up cigarette use, using all the NRT products available on the market, and pharmaceutical alternatives including Zyban.  Following  my success, after so many years of failure, my entire family has now successfully made the change and they have in turn converted a number of their friends and colleagues, too.

These products are clearly preferable to cigarettes, which are not categorised as medicinal, nor regulated in any way other than being age-restricted.  As a consumer, I am well aware of the health issues that consuming nicotine, even without the other harmful chemicals present in tobacco, poses.  This is an informed choice and not one in which governmental or health agency interference is appropriate or desirable.

You need to fully justify your current plans, or drop any ongoing work in removing my freedom of choice and imposing my return to smoking cigarettes, or using products which have proven in the past to be completely ineffective in supporting my smoking cessation.  As an immediate response, I require you to answer the following questions, within 20 days, as stipulated in the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

  • When will the evidence gathering exercise for MLX364 be completed, and when will the MHRA announce their decision regarding regulating electronic cigarettes as a medicine?
  • Please provide a summary of the legal advice the MHRA have obtained regarding this regulation - especially in respects to the NCP’s (nicotine containing products) that “appreciably affect metabolism”, and why this would draw them into the medicines legislation.
  • Please explain why tobacco cigarettes, being NCP’s are not considered alongside electronic cigarettes as medicinal.
  • If tobacco cigarettes are not medicinal, please point out where this legislation is, in regards to them being NCPs.
  • In your terms of reference of March 2011, the MHRA were to provide further scientific and market research on the physiological effects of nicotine and the impact of regulation on business and consumers. Please confirm this is underway, and when you expect this to conclude.
  • Please let me know how you have made your impact assessment on the effects of regulation for the business’s and consumers, and that you can pursue your objective in the least burdensome manner toward them.
  • Please confirm to what regard is the MHRA having toward the EU tobacco product directive when making its decisions re the regulation of NCP as medicines

I strongly fear and suspect that the main issue those who object to these products have, is that neither big tobacco, nor the drugs companies, nor the government is currently benefiting from these innovative products, which are having a clearly beneficial impact for so many.  Only satisfactory responses to these questions and the wider moral one of whether anyone has the right to restrict consumer choice in this area, will do anything to change my perception.

I thank you.

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Monday, 22 April 2013

Better late than never

Better late than never by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

This session was due yesterday, but I'm sorry, I was far too busy watching the London Marathon and blubbing.  I have a horrible feeling I could end up doing another one of those at some unspecified point in the future.  Especially if things keep going the way they are.

Today was fab.  It's the longest run (45 minutes) I have done for many, many months.  And for the first time, my smoke-free lungs were not tasked with dragging in frigid air.  This is the first time I have properly felt the benefit of being smoke-free.  No huffing or puffing at all, just breezing along with the breeze and thoroughly enjoying myself.

The pace was not brilliant, but I was being cautious on this first extended run, not pushing at all, and it wasn't a complete disgrace either.  I fully intend doing the 4 planned sessions this week as well as this delayed one, so by the end of the week I should have a fairly clear picture of my level of decrepitude.  It is worth noting (I think, anyway!) that I am doing almost a half marathon a week now, which fills me with confidence like you can't imagine.

I'm going to try to actually get up when my alarm goes off from now on and do these runs very early morning, as if I had a job to get to.  I don't yet.  But I have had a serious rethink about what I can get away with salary-wise and what this means career-path-wise, so I'm almost starting again from scratch, looking at completely different opportunities.  I do fancy working from home as a freelance translator for at least part of the week - if anyone out there has any advice on this - qualifications, professional memberships, how the hell to get on the ladder - I'd be really interested to hear from you!

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Heaven! by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Finally, a properly stunning day.  And the run went damned well, too.  That's all for today, I have some rays to catch.

Huge congratulations to everyone who completed the Brighton marathon last weekend, good luck to all doing the London one tomorrow.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

When the West wind blows...

When the West wind blows by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

...thou shalt sodding well take the arseing name of thy lord in bloody vain, I'm frickin' tellin' ya.  Holy crap, etc.  Beautiful blue skies and glorious sunshine this morning.  But, obviously, made possible by the fact that the clouds and rain had been driven away by galeforce winds from the West.  This had, obviously, been mentioned as a risk on the forecasts, but I had no idea how bad it would actually be, especially at the seaside.

Today's session is the first interval run I have attempted in well over a year.  I therefore took the wise decision to avoid any hint of hilliness, drive down to the seafront and run there.  This eventually meant going to Carat at Shoreham Harbour and running into Hove and back.  And it wasn't too bad heading into Hove.  I was aware of some strong wind, but it seemed to be coming almost directly from the South, blowing into my side, not helping or hindering particularly.  The 'fun' started when I turned round to head back to the car.  Meaning, of course, there was no short way back or place to drop out.  I got to the car or died on the shingle.  The wind suddenly became this ferocious thing, opposing every attempt to move to the West.

At some points, it was so strong that even walking was a bent-ze-nees-lean-vorwerts-ent-poosh affair (not sure why I rendered that in a germanic way, hey ho) and that is what I confess to resorting to.  While these runs are not really about covering distance or improving overall pace, rather being about improving your pace and technique when you're pushing yourself, it makes it a bit difficult to gauge whether I was at all successful.  If nothing else, it is the longest time and furthest distance I've run in one go for a long, long time, so I'm riding that wave of satisfaction for now.

Long hot bath now over, I'm getting ready for a drop in visit to sister and nephew.  I've bought him a new top which says, 'Eat Giggle Sleep'.  Once he outgrows it, it will be hung above his cot/bed, these will be the first three words he learns and the whole will become his 'to do list' for every day until he starts school.  Or possibly reaches the age of 21.  I will decide later. Childcare idea of, like ever, no?  I'll take that knighthood now, thankyou so very much.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Back on the horse

Back on the horse by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

The irony of having to name this post as I have after the title I gave the last one is not lost on me.  But I have valid reasons.  After Tuesday's session last week, it was my birthday on Thursday (the next planned run date) and Colin's on Friday, which meant I was in no state for the next one on Saturday.  We then had family round for a birthday meal and game session on Saturday evening, which included much alcohol and a 2a.m. to-bed time.  So Sunday was out, too.  I didn't even get to the seafront to shout at the marathoners.  I'll catch it on telly on Saturday.

So, back to normal this week and today's run was, not surprisingly, a bit of a struggle.  The list of lessons learned continues to grow.  I not only need to stay off the cigarettes and avoid alcohol (within reason), and do a proper warm-up followed immediately by getting out for the run itself, I also need to run regularly.  Like weight loss, it seems, progress and  improvement are hard to come by, but mediocrity reasserts itself very quickly.  Although, on that note, in all the healthy living and exertion of the run-less week, I seem to  have shed 4 pounds.  Hurrah for that.

Interval session Thursday.  Even if I manage that one, it may be some time before I feel able to write about it without screaming, but I'll update as soon as I can.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Keeping it up

Keeping it up by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

This was due yesterday, but I was already a day behind, so I'm not beating myself up about doing it today.  There is an interval session due tomorrow, but 1. it's my birthday and 2. Natalie is bringing Aidan for a visit.  So I may not get round to it.

Whatever, I'm not letting myself down and I'm doing more than enough given how long I have to get ready.  Today's session felt pretty easy and was on a par with similar runs completed recently, so all in all, it's going OK.  The weather's improved a whole lot and it's actually quite warm and sweaty going now, but I quite like that.  It feels like a proper workout.  Long may it continue.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Monday, 8 April 2013

30 minutes pwned

30 minutes pwned by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

So, yes, well spotted, I am a day late doing it, but I've done it and it went GREAT!

It's the first time in many months I have attempted a run this long and, with some nice running weather (again), I managed to maintain the pace from Saturday's 20 minute session over the longer one.  And in the process, I burned off at least some of the calories consumed at a fun-filled family lunch yesterday.  So, all in all, hurrah!

I also received my official Diabetes UK running vest for the big day, through the mail today.  And a rather distressing 'comedy hair' headband thing, which I may have to lose accidentally on purpose.  My entire family, apart from my parents, has apparently failed to notice any of my updates letting them know I'm doing the damned run in September and need sponsorship, so I will be re-promoting my fundraising page for the next few days until they get the message.  Sorry if it feels like I'm spamming everyone.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Lovely day!

Lovely day! by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

A lovely day.  Seriously.  Nice and bright, still a little nip in the air but none of the bitingness we've been having all week and a little breeze.  I thoroughly enjoyed today's run and it showed further improvements over the two earlier in the week.  Tomorrow I need to do 30 minutes, which will be the first time in many, many months that I have tried to run that long without a break.  I'm quite looking forward to it, based on recent performances, and all the more so because it will be followed by a slap-up lunch in a rather excellent pub, paid for by someone else!  Yay!!!  That's in honour of our birthdays, which are Thursday and Friday next week.

All in all, I'm feeling rather good about things at the moment and off now to spend some time with the parents.


If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

I believe I said 'NO MORE SNOW'!

I believe I said 'NO MORE SNOW'! by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Whether you like or believe them, or not, the weather forecasts these days are incredibly accurate.  They threatened more snow, I laughed derisively, and then got snowed on during today's session.  So that's me told.

It was obviously cold, I could tell that during the morning dash to the fridge (which lives outside) for juice.  But, I mean, it's April, for god's sake.  So I made doubly sure this morning to warm up thoroughly and then head straight out for the run, no faffing.  And difficult though I found it this morning, with a headwind again and a biting one at that, making breathing quite painful and freezing my ears to the point of headache, it went better than Tuesday's.  Only marginally in terms of distance, but (significantly for me) pace-wise I was back under the 9 minutes per mile that is my current benchmark.

Saturday and Sunday are the days for the last 2 scheduled sessions this week, by which time I believe it may have warmed up a bit.  I've also looked ahead at future sessions and had a bit of a heartstopping moment at the appearance of what looked like some Fartleks (see this post for a sample of my opinions on these hellish monstrosities) in my future.  On closer examination, they look more like interval runs (i.e. no actual sprinting), but I'm on guard now just in case.

I have another visit with Natalie and Aidan today, this time with the additional joy of mum and cousin and, possibly aunt(s).  I can't wait, it's bound to be an absolute hoot.  But if you can avoid Uckfield, and in particular Pizza Express, between 1 and, oh, 3 this afternoon, you probably should.

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Damn by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Warm up?  Check.  Run straight after warm up, with no fannying about?  Check.  More improvement to report?  Is there buggery.

It is freezing again, but I think the big problem today was the first proper reappearance of my old bugbear, headwind.  (The other, hills, will no doubt crop up again later.)  I am running a loop type circuit on these longer sessions (the 15-minute ones are a straight line out and back), and on the way out it's all tight residential streets and therefore fairly sheltered from any wind that may help or hinder.

The last bit of the homeward section, however, is along two broad, straight roads.  And if the wind's coming from anywhere North-ish, they funnel it straight into my face.  As I say, today's the first day I've really had to contend with this in any meaningful way and I suppose it's just another of those things I have to practice.  I'd far rather not, though.

I have 2 more of these 20-minute sessions to do and then my first 30-minuter on Sunday.  I can cope if the weather stays like this, I guess.  But please, no colder and no more bloody snow.  My gardens need attention, too, you know?

If you are enjoying these blog posts, please consider sponsoring me in support of Diabetes UK at JustGiving. Many thanks.