
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Saturday, 27 April 2013

It's me again

It's me again by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

First off, I'm fairly certain I have been robbed of about 0.1 miles by my GPS.  Again.  It was being very slow picking up satellites and I lost patience with it.

But, having missed the mid-week run this week in favour of having a couple of tiny drinkettes, today's half hour actually went quite well.  It is turning cold again and we're promised overnight frost tonight, which is adding some extra trepidation to tomorrow's schedule 50 minutes.  Not sure why I bolded that, it's only 5 minutes up from what I've done already, but it's quite a big, scary number nevertheless.

I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks.  There's some tentative movement on the job front, which I hope to follow up on Tuesday and Colin has a couple of weeks booked off, so we may try to get away for a short break if things go as we hope.  I'll also therefore be getting my massage (leaving gift from iCrossing) booked in for next week and try to catch up with some of the lovelies I left behind.

Attempting a Hairy Dieters recipe tonight, so off to see if Tesco do all the ingredients now.  Incidentally, tht's what olin bought with one of his birthday vouchers.  I believe that's all of those spent now, by both of us, so I'll post a list of everything we got between us for people to laugh at later.

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