
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Damn by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Warm up?  Check.  Run straight after warm up, with no fannying about?  Check.  More improvement to report?  Is there buggery.

It is freezing again, but I think the big problem today was the first proper reappearance of my old bugbear, headwind.  (The other, hills, will no doubt crop up again later.)  I am running a loop type circuit on these longer sessions (the 15-minute ones are a straight line out and back), and on the way out it's all tight residential streets and therefore fairly sheltered from any wind that may help or hinder.

The last bit of the homeward section, however, is along two broad, straight roads.  And if the wind's coming from anywhere North-ish, they funnel it straight into my face.  As I say, today's the first day I've really had to contend with this in any meaningful way and I suppose it's just another of those things I have to practice.  I'd far rather not, though.

I have 2 more of these 20-minute sessions to do and then my first 30-minuter on Sunday.  I can cope if the weather stays like this, I guess.  But please, no colder and no more bloody snow.  My gardens need attention, too, you know?

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