
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 28 April 2013

God bless mother nature

God bless mother nature by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

What an utterly glorious day!  Why are you sitting there reading this rubbish?  Get outside and enjoy it while it lasts.

Today's run, while a bit long and therefore something of a slog, was thoroughly enjoyable.  Smiley, happy people all over the place.  Gorgeous sunshine.  Pleasant breeze.  Pace was by no means record-breaking, but I was hampered a bit by having forgotten (again) how to drink on the run and the need for the occasional 'drink rest' to rehydrate.

I've done over 16 and a half miles this week, which is extremely gratifying and things are going very well.  Long may this (and the wonderful weather) continue.

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