
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 30 December 2007

Finished week 3

Long run for this week now completed. Am feeling very proud of myself for having kept up the training this week. In fact, it's the first time I've actually done four (difficult) runs in a single week. Makes up for the excessive eating that's taken place fairly steadily and the occasional drink-too-many.

Sunday 30 December. Run 8 miles. Time taken 1 hour 7 minutes 29 seconds. Was aiming for 1 hour 10, so doubly pleasing. Loads of people out running along the seafront these days. Will perhaps do some searching online at the marathon site for a training partner.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Third run of the week

A thirty minute jaunt. Felt much better than yesterday. I have a real mental block about fartleks, in case you hadn't noticed. Today's straightforward 30 minute run went much better and I covered more ground, despite the fact that there were sprints thrown into yesterday's session of the same length. Must try harder.

Friday 28 December. Run for 30 minutes. 3.7 miles covered.

Out to lunch this afternoon, and for drinks and nibbles this evening. Then with extended family for what will no doubt be a very messy day tomorrow, although I'll be driving and therefore a highly amused onlooker rather than falling all over the place myself. Long run for this week is an 8 miler, which I'll therefore be doing Sunday. The extended family tomorrow includes the lovely young lady I do these runs for and her family, so I hope to start collecting more sponsorship money very soon. Hayley (my inspiration) is actually doing really well these days and studying full time at University (at last!) for a degree in dietetics, getting 1sts all over the place. Hopefully all her student colleagues will be new source of sponsorship and really boost my total this time!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Fartleks are.....

Broken record, or what? I know they help, cos my mile times got better last time. Doesn't stop me hating them, though, and NOTHING will stop me whingeing about them.

Thursday 27 December. 30 minute Fartlek, including 8 bursts of 30-second sprinting. 3.62 miles covered. Then a lot of sitting down for the rest of the afternoon.

Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Merry Christmas!!! Ho ho cough splutter ho.

Grey and dreary, eh? Hope everyone is with friends or family and generally set up for a day of festive fun.

Tuesday 25 December. Run 20 minutes. 2.43 miles covered.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Another long run completed!!!

Up at 7.30 this morning and out the door by 8.15 after a strong coffee. I had to get to the supermarket after the run, as I drove round the car park for half an hour yesterday before giving up and wanted to get there when it opened today to stock up for the week. NEVER AGAIN - I got there at 9.30, got one of the last 5 or 10 parking places, stormed in at 10 and didn't get home till 12. That's 2 and a half hours of my life I won't get back. Anyhoo, all done and now I'm showered and warm and ready for a nice afternoon at the cinema.

Sunday 23 December. Run 7 miles. Time taken, 58 minutes 39 seconds. A bit slower than I was hoping for, but I set off quite conservatively and definitely neagtive-splitted this one. I've also identified that I MUST from now on take drink with me on these long runs.

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Fartleks R NOT Us

Office party last night. I tried to be good a semi succeeded. I've had a horrible chesty thing since Thursday (went home from work to dose up and wrap up) but dragged by sad carcase to the office so I could legitimately get my freak on. A cocktail of brandy and cough mixture got me to 10:30, but then I had to bow out and go home. I was in bed by 11:30 and up this morning at 6:30 feeling not too bad, all things considered. I could really have done with today's session being a normal run and not this bloody joggy, sprinty nightmare, though. One of the sprints was only 15 seconds long, with the balance spent throwing up in the fortunately abundant shrubbery on the sodding hills.

Saturday 22 December. 25 minute f*****k, with 6 30-second sprints. 3.10 miles covered.

7 miles tomorrow, and in the afternoon we're going to see The Golden Compass with parents & other family.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

1st run of week 2 completed - I think

My pedometer failed again. I'm wondering if it's because it's an LCD display and in the weather at the moment, the C stops being L? I certainly don't remember having this problem before.

Wednesday 19 December. Run 30 minutes. There I was, like, running. All going very nicely. I checked the pedometer. '22 minutes 29, 2.71 miles' it said. Just time for another full lap, I thought. I got to where I thought the 30 minutes were up. '22 minutes 29, 2.71 miles' it said. Various things, I replied.

Wimped out again

It was just too cold for me last night and I'd got a lift to work and caught the bus home and couldn't face a warm up in that weather, let alone a run. But I cycled in to work this morning and will use the cycle home as my warm up, so will do this week's first run (I'm not doing the hill session), a 30 minute job, this evening while Colin's at college. I'd asked for company tomorrow night doing the first fartlek (see my home site for information on these sessions, link in a previous post below) but it doesn't seem to be attracting a positive response. These guys know what they're doing, as they've trekked deserts and climbed mountains so I'm not at all suprprised. I'll be doing that session alone, then. Whether I do it tomorrow as planned (this was based on running last night, not tonight) or leave it till the weekend (it would have to be Saturday so I coulsd do the long run on Sunday, but it's my work's Christmas party on Friday) I'm still not sure.

Monday, 17 December 2007

3 marathons completed!

Just checked, and I have indeed now completed my third marathon during training. I've covered 79.96 miles in total. The fourth one could be a little while coming up, what with my refusal to do the dedicated hill training sessions, but I can't wait to see how much running I actually do in preparation for the big day. And I'll be doing my first fartlek (see later - I can only edit that page when I'm at home - for my opinion on these hellish works of evil) this Thursday evening after work. I may have company on that run, for the first time, if I can bully a couple of guys from work into joining me.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

6 miles!!!

I have actually just run 6 miles. Me! Subzeroness continues, but shiny tops and the woolly frightcap are giving all the protection I need until my muscles start generating their own heat.

Sunday 16 December. 6 miles. Time taken 49 minutes 25 seconds.

I may well have just completed my third marathon. Will get round to checking at some point, I'm sure.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

It's Winter!

Gor blimey, yes. Even colder this morning than last time. These weekday runs at the moment are deeply doddlesome. Perhaps a reward for not dying in the last 8 weeks, or something. Will be doing the first properly challenging 'long run' tomorrow.

Saturday 15 December. (Can anyone tell me where this year went?) Run 20 minutes. 2.46 miles covered.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

And they're off

A bright, brisk morning and no mistake. Thermometer struggling to get to 40 degrees. But it was actually very nice to run in. I've not yet bought the horrible knee supports, as I seem to be OK as long as it's dry. Cold I can handle, but it seems to be when I get wet and cold that things get painful. To ramp up the terrifyingness of my appearance during my runs, therefore, I've started wearing possibly the ugliest woolly hat in existence. It started off quite cool (it bears the Nike tick mark and everything), but following numerous washes it's now stretched and shapeless. Anyway, this was my first run of the main training programme and it went very well.

Thursday 13 December. (Level 2 - but this means nothing and I won't be mentioning this type of thing again - see below), run for 25 minutes. 3.04 miles covered.

The next run is supposed to be a hill run. I may have mentioned, you know, just in passing, that it's quite hilly round here. So I'm not going to be doing specific hill training. I may go out and do a general run for the same length of time as that one's supposed to last, but I may just miss that session out altogether.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Not tonight, Josephine

I should be going out tonight for my first run of the proper training programme. It's a 25-minute job at 'Effort Level 2'. Please see my home site at to see my views on 'Effort Level' things (and everything else, in fact, to do with running about). I'll be updating that page later when I get home.

But I'm really extremely tired after a hard day's work and it's bloomin' freezin'. I'm working from home tomorrow, so I'll do the run in the morning before settling down to a day of workflows and process diagrams.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Total mileage update

I remembered to check today. I have covered another 41.82 miles since I covered my first total marathon in training. Adding the 26.64 I'd covered at that point, I've done 68.46 miles altogether. Deeply chuffing.

Wheezing saddo beginner course completed!!!

8 weeks' worth of training completed. It's taken longer than 8 weeks, admittedly, but I'm really getting into it now and tonight wasn't anywhere near as hard as I expected. Am into the real training build up from now on - the wonderful world of fartleks, etc.

The weekday runs (except the fartleks, I can't wait to get to those and tell you what I think of them!) will be easy after tonight, but the weekend ones (1 long run a week) start at 6 miles and get longer, and longer.....and longer.

Monday 10 December. Run 30 minutes. 3.58 miles covered.

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Wimped out

Overslept very slightly this morning. Got half my running kit on and then this gale came out of nowhere and the heavens opened, so I'm taking the easy way out and not going for a run this morning. It's my mum's 60th birthday party today, but I am driving so won't be drinking. Depending on the filthiness of the weather when I get home, I may go out this evening instead. Just 1 more run to do before starting serious training - will get it done asap!!!

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Just made it...

...before the rain kicked in. The furthest I've managed to get in a single run so far.

Saturday 8 Dec. Walk 1 minute, run 15 minutes, twice. 32 minutes total. 3.78 miles covered.

I will try to remember to check tomorrow whether a second marathon has been covered in these training runs. The last run of this 8 week preparatory programme will hopefully be completed tomorrow - running for 30 minutes non-stop. The first time I've attempted anything of the sort in over 2 years.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Almost there

Tuesday 4 December. Walk 1 minute, run 15 minutes, twice. 32 minutes total. Yes, well. The batteries in the sodding pedometer died after 22 or so minutes (2.58 miles). Doing the same run on the same course as last time, so call it a tie.

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Brandy is medicinal - but not if you finish the bottle!

Feeling less than sparkly today after an enjoyable evening with a bottle of brandy, X Factor (just how wrong has that gone, and is it now utterly pointless even finishing this series?) and Strictly Come Dancing. We have to record that and watch it later, so we can forward through Brucey. He's gotta go. Anyhoo, I waited till today's lovely hurricane was over and finally went out around 2pm to finish week 7 of the introductory training programme. 3 more of these 'easy' sessions to go, so that's probably all I'll do next week.

Sunday 2 December. Walk 1 minute, run 15 minutes, twice. 32 minutes total. 3.68 miles covered.

Bloody knees playing up today, but I think that may just be down to the drunken behaviour. Will see how it goes, but may need to invest in some nice elasticated supports to go with the flattering lycra glory I already troll about the place in.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Week 7 number 2

Luddy ell it's cold. Just got a text from my parents, who recently moved from Phoenix, Arizona, to the South coast of Spain. They're on the beach with great big drinks. Love them as I do, the immediate started with a 'b' and went downhill from there. Speaking of downhill, I'm coping better with the old slopiness lately.

Saturday 1 December. (Can't believe it's December already.) Walk 30 seconds, run 10 minutes, 3 times. 31.5 minutes total. 3.71 miles covered.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Starting week 7

Just 6 more of these runs left, then I'm really into it. Am really starting to feel like a runner now, and even forgot to check my watch again for one of the walking breaks this evening. And when I'm asked to run for 10 minutes, that is saying something, trust me.

Thursday 29 Nov. Walk 30 seconds, run 10 minutes, 3 times. 31.5 minutes total. 3.64 miles covered.

And it's my first pay day since I started my new job tomorrow. And I love my job. Everything fantabulosa.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Week 6 finished

Yep, I actually did it. Just 2 more weeks' worth of the beginner stuff, then I'll be on to the proper marathon training programme. A couple of very nice men have offered to train with me sometimes after work, which will make a nice change from running on my own, either listening to music or the painful sound of my own breathing. I've also applied for a place in the Brighton Half Marathon in February as a kind of trial run.

Monday 26 Nov. Walk 30 seconds, run 10 minutes, 3 times. 31.5 minutes total. 3.67 miles covered.

Probably Thursday for the next one. We have guests for dinner tomorrow and I have a meeting after work on Wednesday.

Week 6 - still

I should have gone out yesterday, but I simply didn't want to. Had a lovely day instead, including a full on afternoon nap wrapped in a granny blanket and a monumental roast dinner. I'll be going out tonight to run instead, than plan to get back on track with additional sessions Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Week 6 Part Deux

Saturday 24 Nov. Walk 1 minute, run 9 minutes, 3 times. 30 minutes total. 3.4 miles covered.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Week 6

Something of a breakthrough this evening. I actually kept forgetting to check my stopwatch to find out when I could do the walking bits in between.

Thursday 22 Nov. Walk 1 minute, run 8 minutes, 3 times. 27 minutes total. 3.18 miles covered.

Wahey and other related stuff.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Just a quick message

Not that anybody seems particularly keen to get involved at this point, but I just thought I'd let you know - I recently had a comment placed on the Blog by some random in Portugal trying to get me to sell BB on behalf of a Portuguese provider. This is clearly not contributing to the site, or what it's there for. So I have had to switch on 'Comment Moderation' to avoid the whole Blog being taken over by spam-happy timewasters.

Please, PLEASE, PLEASE do submit comments as and when you want to. As long as they're about what the Blog is about, I'll publish them whether they're complimentary or deeply sarcastic and mickey-taking. I'll get an e-mail message as soon as you post your comment and will approve it asap.

So start writing, people. See you soon.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Final run, week 5

I'm mingin'. Well, obviously, you all knew that by now, but bear with me. The weather's mingin' and my clothes are now mingin'. Actually, I don't know why I asked you to bear with me, this is going nowhere.

Tuesday, 20 Nov. Walk 1 minute, run 8 minutes, 3 times. 27 minutes total. 3.02 miles covered.

Next run planned for Thursday.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Sorry, but NO WAY

I woke up today with the best of intentions of going out again. But I'm just back from the weekly shopping trip, there's a bitter cold wind, all the bloody hills are still there and the weatherman reckons there could be snow on them soon. And I have man flu. Will not be running today, so come back Tuesday for the next update. Ciao.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

And the second one

Yep. Am gonna stick to the plan. We've already established that running uphill makes we wanna vomit. Well, I can now confirm that when I'm hungover it's EVEN WORSE. Nevertheless, got further in the time today than yesterday. Will finish week 5 tomorrow.

Saturday 17 November. Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, 6 times. 30 minutes total. 3.26 miles covered.

1st run of week 5

On something of a high today after a very good day at work. As promised, now trying for 4 runs a week.

Friday 16 November.
Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, 6 times. 30 minutes total. 3.22 miles covered.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Last run of week 4 of program

I set out this evening with a spring in my step and a limp in my wrist. Might as well have been the other way round.

Weds 14 Nov. Run 10 minutes (well, I mean what?!?!?!?), walk 2 minutes, run another 10 minutes (yeah, right). 22 minutes total. 2.54 miles covered.

I've now run a marathon in total (26.64 miles) during training, which is something of a milestone.

I'm half way through the wheezing old sad act part of the program, building up to being able to run 30 minutes without stopping, so I can start actually training for the marathon itself. Living half way up a hill on the side of a valley with a hill opposite and surrounded by hills is not helping these distances. I really am trying, honest.

Will go out again Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week, then start regularly doing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday to get this 'preparation' phase of training out of the way.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

2nd run of week 4

I know, I know, it's over a week later and I still claim to be in week 4. In my defense, I was preparing to leave one job, with a massive project to deliver, and preparing to start another. Quite apart from all the working, this also involved a substantial amount of alcohol consumption and a bit of a 'thank god, I can have a bit of a break' situation.
Anyway, I am now happily ensconced in my new role, cycling to work every day (12 mile round trip) and back to training properly. This run was bit of a struggle - quite a break since the last one, and also the first time I've attempted to do one having just cycled home.
Wednesday 7 November. Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, 5 times. 25 minutes total. 2,71 miles covered.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Start of week 4

Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, 5 times. 25 minutes total. 2.86 miles covered. Further than last time (which was an identical session) and it felt different, too. Still smoking occasionally, but have started walking to work and back every day, about 3 miles each way.

Sunday, 21 October 2007

End of week 3

So, did the last run of the third week of the sad act getting started programme.
Sun 21 Oct - walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes, 5 times. 25 minutes total. 2.74 miles covered.
18.53 miles covered in total so far.

Saturday, 20 October 2007

So far

Sat 20 Oct - skipped.
Wed 17 Oct - walk 1 minute, run 3 minutes, 6 times. 24 minutes total. Smoking? Yes. Well. 2.45 miles covered.
Sun 14 Oct - skipped.
Sat 13 Oct - skipped.
Wed 10 Oct - walk 1 minute, run 3 minutes, 6 times. 24 minutes total. 2.48 miles covered.
Sun 7 Oct - walk 2 minutes, run 3 minutes, 5 times. 25 minutes total. 3 cigs. Hey ho. 2.51 miles covered.
Sat 6 Oct - walk 2 minutes, run 2 minutes, 6 times. 24 minutes total. Still not smoking. 2.27 miles covered.
Wed 3 Oct - walk 2 minutes, run 2 minutes, 6 times. 24 minutes total. Still not smoking. 2.21 miles covered.
Sun 30 Sep - walk 3 minutes, run 2 minutes, 5 times. 25 minutes total. LAST DAY AS A SMOKER! 2.17 miles covered.
Sat 29 Sep - walk 3 minutes, run 2 minutes, 4 times. 20 minutes total. 1.7 miles covered.


Hi, all. Welcome to my blog. I'll be using this to keep a track of my progress while I train for the London marathon 2008. To find out why I'm even attempting it, please see my website at The Marathon 2008 page is just part of that site, which also includes links to some great value shopping online.

This site will be all about tracking how far I've gone and how long it's taken me. I'll also be totting up the total mileage I've covered - something I didn't do last time but I expect to be quite pleasantly surprised, if also a bit scared.

Feel free to comment at any time. Words of encouragement in particular will be most welcome and perhaps at times essential. I look forward to hearing from you!
