Actually, not that wet, but REALLY wild. Man, is the wind blowing this evening. I drove down to Hove lagoon to do this evening's run, which probably put me in the teeth of the worst of the wind. But on interval sessions, it's nice to 1. be on the flat and 2. not have to cross any roads. Nothing worse than doing your best Usain Bolt impression and having to stop to let a car go by.
And there were loads and loads of brave and (fool)hardy souls out training this evening! I'm well impressed. And I have decided to give up for Lent...finding excuses not to run! Timing is perfect, as it takes me right up to the start of April, by when I will be on the cutting-down-in-preparation-for-the-real-deal bit of the training!
Pace-wise, it was not too bad this evening. It seems my 'Level 4' pace these days is on a par with my 'I can keep this up all day' pace from my teens, but that's no huge surprise. At least I remained consistent, rather than getting slower and slower, which kind of suggests my body's getting better at recovering. As suggested in a previous post, I will be giving this week's Fartlek a miss, so the next session will be on Friday - an 'easy' hour. I'm not sure I can possibly bring myself to get out of bed early enough to fit this in before work, but this Friday is the monthly finish-early-for-a-drink-and-socialise Friday at work, so I may miss the drink and socialise and just come home to do it in the evening. I have enjoyed the early morning runs I've managed to do and they've really perked me up for the start of the day, but tonight's was a refreshing change and perhaps a bit of variety will help with the not looking for excuses thing.
On the weight loss front, no change. Although I am fairly sure I look a different shape head on. I definitely taper a bit from shoulders to hips, where previously I was all slab-sided and straight up and down. It's just when I turn sideways on, there's still this 'what the hell are my nipples doing down there and where the hell did all THAT come from' metamorphosis into some saggy, baggy, lardy heifer thing. Will keep exercising and monitoring.
Updated Training Plan
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