
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Half hour plod

Half hour plod by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Holy cow, it's cold and getting colder. I was so tempted not to bother this morning. In fact, I changed my mind numerous times and ended up not getting out the door until about 6.40. A clear day and a light breeze are lovely running conditions normally, but not when the wind chill factor's about minus 10. When the wind did occasionally gust, it actually hurt.

Fortunately, this was one of the low-intensity half hour sessions scattered liberally through the programme to give you a break without allowing you to return to the vegetative state you used to spend your whole life in. So there was no strenuous breathing going on and no sweat freezing as soon as it reached the surface. But I was so relieved to get home at the end and shut out the weather.

I didn't cover a huge distance, but that really wasn't the point today. I am in London for a meeting tomorrow morning and may well make the executive decision before I go to bed, having seen the scary-mode weather forecast this evening, not to even try another run tomorrow. But then I'm worried about being able to get out on Saturday and Sunday, too. What the hey, I can't be bothered thinking about it just now. There's the prospect of ironing and other looking-like-a-professional type things to get past. Shave, perhaps? No, that would be just silly.

It's a 'que sera sera' week and I don't know what I'll do the next few days. 'Wait and see' is the best policy for now.

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