
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Trainingus interruptus

Could not run Friday morning as, even getting up as usual at 6 a.m. I only had time to wash, iron and dress before having to run out the door to get a train to London for a client meeting.

Did not run yesterday as every weather forecaster was all doom, gloom and cataclysm and I did not want to get caught in what they were sure would be terminal arcticness.  What a load of fuss over nothing.

Having been assured we'd all be dead in our beds or at least trapped in our homes today, I pre-decided yesterday that I would not be running today, planning instead a day of sloth, liberally sprinkled with Nintendo.  And I'm sticking to it.

ANOTHER 5-run week next week, so will be starting tomorrow morning and getting back on track.  This will mean adding 2 miles on the long Sunday run again, but I've done that before.

Right now, Professor Layton, Mario Kart or Ridge Racer?  Decisions, decisions.

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