
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

35 minute jog - ROBBED AGAIN

35 minute jog by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

So after the anticlimax that was the weather at the weekend, back into another 5-run week this morning. About the only thing the snow did round here was take some of the sting out of the cold in the air, but even that has worn off now. It was utterly freezing. I wore the fright hat, so my ears weren't too bad, but my face and hands hurt like buggery. And so did the lungs, I'm really not good breathing sub-zero air, especially gasping for breath as I generally do. Almost finished Allen Carr's second book now, 'The Only Way To Stop Smoking Permanently', so hope to be back off the ciggies very soon.

Anyway, despite the freezing air the run itself did not feel bad at all. Only intensity level 2, basically a relaxed kind of pace, but I seem to be getting the hang of the right posture and the right technique even at low effort levels now and everything felt nicely connected and coordinated. So I was a little disappointed by the distance my pedometer reported. And, having uploaded all the data to the website, I find the dratted thing has robbed me of about a hundred meters. I started the run AND the timer right outside my house, but is that where it says I started? Is it hell. So it also suggests I was only moving for 33 minutes and some seconds, when I absolutely did not stop. Not once. Rude.

Another run tomorrow and one on Thursday, then a day off on Friday - another early morning meeting in London. I should be doing another on Saturday, and then a biggy - 12 miles (or 13 depending how I feel, which may not be great) - on Sunday. I have my loveliest friends from my uni days in Cambridge coming down for dinner and a light alcoholic spasm on Saturday night. More excuses! But I honestly don't think I can afford to miss 2 long runs in a row, so honestly intend to try to do this week's. Depending, it seems, again on the weather.

Global bloody warming my arse.

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