Week 4 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to course details, splits, etc.
So, yes, I missed an entire week out. But I looked at the planned session in the
training plan for today. I hate Google docs for spreadsheets, by the way, but you can't preview it online which I imagine you might want to if you bother following the link unless I upload it in that format. Will see if I can work out how charting works properly - I'd like to track my pace over time as well as my distance, although I imagine I may need to add sheets and collate data apart from the main plan to get anything remotely useful.
Anyway, today's run - 1 minute walk, 4 minutes run, 5 times. 25 minutes total. How hard can it be, right? The answer in fact is very, very. I hit a hilly circuit I don't normally brave until much later when the plan actually requires me to do hill running, which might not have been the wisest idea. But I've just visited a periodontist who's advised me I need 7 teeth removed, possibly 4 more, which I will have to get done by an NHS dentist (I'm not currently registered with one) for whatever it is they charge these days and spend about £600 having deep cleans done, potentially having to have more teeth removed if this doesn't kill off the infection. All caused by smoking - FAMILY PLEASE TAKE NOTE, ESPECIALLY THE SMOKERS AMONG YOU, MAY BE WORTH GETTING YOURSELVES CHECKED OUT - which puts more pressure on the whole quitting thing and makes it harder. And I was charged £150 for the news. I have to say, actually, she was a lovely woman and I'd recommend her unhesitatingly.
Anyway, got home a little freaked out and also in a certain amount of pain from all the prodding. Prodding which elicited her saying high numbers (bad) and also using the word 'pus' more frequently than I consider either polite or necessary.
I need to do everything I can to stimulate my circulation to prevent further deterioration - the damage already done is irreversible - so off I went on the hard (for me) run, on the hard (for me) course. It nearly killed me. While my overall pace for the session was improved versus previous runs, this is mainly due to the fact that I spent more of the session 'running' than on those earlier ones. My actual running pace was slower. You can see this if you follow the link right at the start of the post, if you care enough. Probably not helped by a fairly smoke-filled weekend and couple of days in the office, which I'm finding a slightly unpleasant place to be right now. Possibly shouldn't say that in the public domain, but hey ho.
And either 4 minutes is longer than I remember (not ruling out early onset wossname here) or I cover more ground in 4 minutes than I remember (ditto, and also clearly not the case).
I have to do this run once more this week, before again increasing the proportion of running in the week's 'hard' run.
Fingers crossed things improve.
Must re-read the important bits of Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking again this evening. It really did stick there, for a few weeks, but now it needs to be permanent. If I wasn't going to be spending so much on my damned gob in the next few months, I would look up a hypnotherapist, but for now, it's all down to me! So that should go well.