
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Cough splutter wheeze

It's been 3 weeks since I last ran.  I gave myself a couple of weeks off, guilt-free, as there was and is a lot going on lately and I am occasionally guilty of trying to take on more than is reasonable.  And this week I've been laid low by one of the many flu strains currently doing the rounds.  3 days off work and a lot of talking to people with my hand over my mouth.  At home, Colin's caught it too, so we've been blowing air kisses at each other from a distance all week in possibly the gayest display of gayness ever.  Even for me!

I am starting to feel almost human today and hope to be properly back to normal in fairly short order.  The alarm is set for 6a.m. tomorrow in optimistic anticipation.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Another early morning run - I like them!

Week 10 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

SO there was a 20-minute hill session in the schedule for this week. On Monday, actually, but me and Mondays do not mix so that was never going to happen! I did get out of bed at 6.30 yesterday to do it, but once up I simply couldn't be bothered. I hate hill sessions. I didn't want to do it and nobody could make me. So there.

The session scheduled for today was a 30-minute 'Level 1' jobbie. These 'levels' are the invention of a fit person and theoretically equate to a certain effort level, based on a %age of your maximum heart rate. I've written on this topic before, so won't labour the point, but I feel I have only 2 levels. 'Asleep' and 'heart attack' sum it up quite nicely. So I don't bother with them. I'm not entirely sure whether I'd progress better if I did, but then I'd have to wear a heart rate monitor as well as all the frightening lycra and GPS pedometer I already have to get sorted out every time I go for a run. I can't be bothered and think it an unnecessary expense. (You'd be amazed how much such tiny scraps of lycra cost! And, frankly, how far they stretch.)

The point is, I got up this morning and did the session. As usual, I had pangs of guilt over the session I'd decided to skip, so I made sure I covered a couple of the more horrible hills in these parts - being the South Downs, there are many to choose from. My frighteningly accurate (usually) pedometer actually shows me starting from the other side of the road to where I actually did (it sometimes does this, no idea why), but I believe the overall distance recorded is pretty damned accurate and am happified muchly by the resulting calculation of my average pace.

This is all going very well so far.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

6 miles - fuckin' A!

Week 9 Hard by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

A grotty old morning today, really misty/foggy. But I actually quite like weather like that for running, it's really rather refreshing. I have cut a load of corners this week and not done any of the shorter, technical-type runs that should hapen during the week. These are interval runs, hill runs, effing Fartleks (more about which here: and things. They are all designed to build up both your speed and your endurance, so that the long run at the weekend - which increases by a mile each week - is manageable.

Not having done them, and only on Friday having run no-stop for 30 minutes for the first time in 18 months, today's run might have proved somewhat difficult. But, no! It was actually completely comfortable and I would go so far as to say that I actually enjoyed it. This is very good news indeed. It's the first run in this training plan that has been long enough for me to run along the beach in Hove and I had forgotten what a great place to run that is. Nice and flat, full of other runners to smile and wave at, or just nod if you're a bit knackered. The clocks having changed last night, it was also fairly early when I got there and lots of dog walkers were out with their little four legged friends. This is sometimes a problem, especially when they've let them extend their leads as far as they will go and you have to go all skippy jumpy to get past, but there was none of tht this morning. It was all deeply pleasant.

The middle 2 miles were the ones actually done on the seafront for the most part, and the sea breeze and torrential rain affected my pace a bit, but I managed to finish with a flourish - the last mile was the second fastest of the session, despite being largely uphill (slightly). Feeling very pleased with myself.

ON an unrelated note, can we please BAN HALLOWEEN? It's not a proper holiday and I returned home to notice that one of the rear tyres on my car (we pumped them all up yesterday) was completely, rim-to-the-floor flat. I suspect trick-or-treat foul play and even if it wasn't, I don't like having to spend the evening praying the doorbell doesn't ring like I did yesterday. Also, my porr cat was a nervous wreck all night with unnecessary firework stress. Humbugging over.

Total Distance - very nearly 2 full marathons completed already!!!!!

Friday, 28 October 2011

30 minutes non stop!

Week 8 Hard by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

It's been a while since I last ran - almost a week - but it's been a packed week with other priorities. I've had a job interview, got the promotion I was after, visited the dentist for the first time since University and left with all my teeth intact - for now, a second opinion is required before they extract anything. My mouth is till a ruin, buggered by smoking, but I have a reprieve for now. And tomorrow I will be enjoying my 40th birthday present - a blast round a track in a Lambo, which I'm really looking forward to after my original booking was changed by a Lee Colegate from Peterborough who has now been identified as a fraudster and told to bugger off.

So this was the first session where I've been required for any real length of time, only half an hour but that's a major step up from anything I've done for about 18 months, without a rest or walking break. And it wasn't too bad at all! I think the few days off allowed some recovery time for my poor old legs, which they really appreciated. Pace-wise slightly off where I'd like to be, but I have plenty of time to pick this up. I'm still deep within the green, 'optional' part of my training plan. I'm not doing any of the short build up sessions this week, but will attempt the long run on Sunday - 5 to 6 miles.

Has been a super week for me so far, with more fun to come!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Flattered but deceived by my tech

Week 8 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Was very excited by the results that flashed up on my pedometer at the end of this session.  They suggested a vast improvement pace-wise, which did not seem completely out of the question based on how the run felt.  Having uploaded the data to the web and looked at the map for this run, though, it's clear there was a little blip at the beginning of the session and the watch has credited me with about 150 metres that I did not do.  Never mind, makes up for that session earlier where it stole over a mile off me!

Anyway, have since done shopping, done gardening and made Christmas puddings.  From scratch!  Which are now cooking.

Tomorrow's run is to be my first attempt at running for half an hour with no breaks or walking recovery bits.  Seems perfectly doable to me!!!  Then more shopping and more gardening.  THEN preparation for an interview on Monday afternoon for a job I'm already actually doing, which for some reason has got me ultra, uber nervous.

I'm totally done for the day and about to kick back with some vodka and trash TV.  The sun is out, but it's damned parky out there so I feel no guilt in vegetating indoors.

Updated Training Plan

Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

It's bloody cold out

Week 8 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

What I want to do for these weekday sessions is get up at 6, run, cool down and stretch, have a leisurely coffee and a shower and pootle in to work in a relaxed fashion.  Yeah, right.  I cannot get our of bed at 6.  Not when it's pitch black out.  I may need one of those alarm clocks that simulates a sunrise or something.  That might help.  But left to my own devices?  Never gonna happen.

I did manage to drag my sorry carcass out of bed at 6.30, though.  I did the same session that was last week's 'hard' run: 15 minutes' running, 1 minute's recovery, twice over.  I didn't manage to cover quite as much distance as last time, at least in part I imagine due to the air shredding my lungs with every inhalation.  This weather is going from one extreme to the other, in no time at all!  I will need new gloves and a fright hat to keep my ears warm before too long.

Nevertheless, I have proved to myself that I am in fact capable of getting a run in, in the morning.  Even if afterwards I had no time for a coffee, rushed through the shower thing and fretted about where the bus was.  With Starbucks Gingerbread Latte season fast approaching, however, I am actually quite willing to forego my cup of Tesco Gold Roast at home before I set off!

Now taking body measurement readings twice a day - once when I get up and once at 8.30 pm - as there are some really wild-looking fluctuations in the charts when I'm just taking them when I manage to remember.  I'm hoping some consistency will deliver some consistency.  AND some evidence of progress, of which there currently is none.

Numbers and stuff:

Updated Training Plan

Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Another super day

Week 7 'Hard' by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Glorious weather continues!!! And so does decent running performance. I'm tracking average pace over the whole of each session - as these sessions currently include some walking time, I anticipate being around 9 minutes per mile when I begin doing all-running ones. The first one of these is due next Sunday!

The aim of these first 8 weeks is to get you to a point where you are able to run continuously for 30 minutes. When I first started this seemed, as it always does, a ridiculous proposition. In the early sessions, I was looking at my watch constantly to check whether it was time for a walk yet - and the running bits were only 2 minutes each! But it's a very clever training programme that clearly works, because I am feeling very good. Each weekend's long/hard run, you see, becomes the first during-the-week run of the following week. As you gradually build up the running sections and reduce the walking bits, you end up fit as a fiddle and your confidence grows without your even noticing.

Anyway, it's going well and I'm actually enjoying it, so onwards and upwards I say.

On a beautiful day like today, I feel I should spend as much time as possible outside. Only, I have to make a Christmas pudding at some point and think that should be today so I have time to 'feed' it loads of booze before we eat it. A nice dilemma to have and I'm in no rush to choose which to do. I'm cutting myself some slack, which is something I have decided I need to do more.

Stats as follows:

Saturday, 15 October 2011

There's lovely. Seriously

Week 7 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

What an entirely gorgeous day!  Bright sunshine, clear blue skies and just enough of a nip in the air to prevent this morning's session becoming a sweat-soaked ming-fest.  This is a repeat of the session I did on Wednesday evening and it seems the advice about training in the morning being a better option could well be true.  I covered 0.2 miles more in the same time and my pace was over 30 seconds better per mile as a consequence.  This is much more like it!!!

I actually thoroughly enjoyed the run today.  Every time I go through this process (this will be my 4th marathon) I get days like this, where it's just a joy to be out there doing it.

The body monitor, by the way, has reached new levels of rudeness.  I am no longer being told I am obese.  Instead, I am now apparently 'overfat'.  That is not even a word!  I could therefore justifiably ignore it completely.  But at the moment I'm fuming in a low-grade way that I spent a lot of money on a gadget that actually invents words to insult me with.  To be honest though, mostly LMFAO.

It also seems to be quite erratic in its measurements.  I am using the supplied carpet feet, but may take this evening's readings on a hard floor and see what happens.  Various reviews on the internet have suggested this does deliver more consistent and accurate readings.

A day of winterising the garden ahead, but it should be no hard trial in this weather.  It really is quite fabulous. Geek links below for those who are following them:

Updated Training Plan

Session Stats

Total Distance

Total Time

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Drizzly miserableness, but glad I did it

Week 7 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Feeling a bit 2-steps-forward-1-step-back about everything at the moment. Not least the running - pace is getting worse instead of better! The weather is definitely getting 'typical' for the time of year now after a rather exciting and unexpected week a couple of weeks back. During which, I have to admit, I barely even moved. We're definitely approaching that season where it's dark when I get up and dark again by the time I get home, which is always a bit of a test motivation-wise.

To try to boost this motivation thing, I spent a slightly stupid amount of money on a body health monitor thingy that talks to my Garmin pedometer and also sends data to a bit of software on the PC. This will be fun, I thought. I'll really be able to track the benefits I'm getting from all this ridiculous moving about. I took my first readings yesterday and they were duly uploaded to my Garmin Connect site. I'm sorry to say I find it all a bit rude for now. It takes measurements like body fat percentage which I can take or leave - although the 7.4% body fat of my early 20's is definitely a dim and distant thing and not likely to make a comeback - but also 'calculates' a 'metabolic age' and tells you whether you're in the healthy, overweight or obese range. I am absolutely not sharing this page!!! I will report improvements if, indeed, there are any.

2 more sessions needed this week, 1 the same as today's and a more challenging one. Both are likely to be at the weekend, as getting up for work is my current version of early-to-rise and I need to spend my evenings putting together an application for a promotion.

Meantime, here's the usual geekfest:

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Back on track

Week 6 'Hard' by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

I had a fairly abstemious evening, for me for a Saturday, attending 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead' at our local theatre. Directed by and unexpectedly starring my super-talented sister. I thoroughly enjoyed it and even managed, I think, to work out what the hell was going on by the end. My theatrical tastes are distinctly low-brow and so much of the dialogue had nothing to do with driving the story that I was deeply perplexed for a lot of it. Bugger only knows how they learned the longer speeches, of which there were many, with absolutely no plot-link to contextualise or otherwise assist. They did, though, and the performances were all great.

So a sober if a late night. I slept in this morning and having taken 20 minutes just to find a parking space when I left the shopping till later yesterday, I went shopping first and then did today's run. I do prefer to run first thing, if only because there are fewer people around to witness it. In particular running through the park on a Sunday exposes me to multiple football matches and their associated crowds, with massive potential embarrassment fo all concerned.

As I always do, I survived the run and the shame. And the stats are showing that I've nearly covered a marathon distance so far during training - 25.8 miles, in about 4 hours 20 in total. The general trend is also for my pace to improve. And I can have the volume on the music lower than I used to, as my breathing is distinctly less wheezy than before.

Half way through the play last night I felt I might have had what Allen Carr refers to as the 'revelation moment'. I have been feeling like a smoker not currently smoking - a mild but constant feeling akin to panic, and really craving cigarettes. I now ALMOST BUT NOT QUITE feel like a non-smoker, sure I will never smoke again. I really hope this lasts after I return to work tomorrow!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

More fighting with technology

Week 6 Easy by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

I've not been at all well this week and am still on horse-sized antibiotics, but was feeling restless and jumpy this morning, usually a sign that I'm over the worst of an illness, so I went out for a run. I am getting to grips with the capabilities of my Garmin device and the rather fun Garmin Connect website, including creating the workouts online and sending them to the GPS pedometer. I haven't quite got it right yet, though - as evidenced by my jogging for 9 minutes this morning waiting for the damned thing to tell me I'd completed the first rep only to find I'd managed somehow to insert a 'free run' first step to the programme which shouldn't have been there.

So in fact I did about 35 minutes this morning, but am only counting the 27 that were actually planned. I managed to get this sorted out on the move by editing the workout. I spend as much time on the tech as I do on the running! :-)

I'm not 100% fit and healthy, but I definitely could tell the difference from not smoking on this session. Hopefully, this will get better and better as time passes!

I needed to order another pair of trainers this week, having noticed a part of the sole had fallen off. When ordering, I realised that the trainers I am using this year are actually designed for women. Potentially embarrassing, but they are very comfortable and a better fit than the men's ones I used last time, so I don't really care. They're also a very pretty colour. So there.

I also got confirmation this week that Diabetes UK have confirmed places for the Brighton Marathon next year and I have booked one! So I have reworked the plan with an April 15 target date. I have also set up a JustGiving page - I need to raise £300 so please help if you can! Click on the widget at the top right of the blog to make your donation!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Lee Colgate is fundraising for Diabetes UK

Lee Colgate is fundraising for Diabetes UK

JustGiving page created. Confirmed place for 2012 Brighton Marathon via Diabetes UK, bless their hearts. Still too poorly to actually train at the moment (have been off work all week with swollen glands and soreness of face) so spending bed-time doing admin! This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. :-)

Am going to be promoting the JustGiving page endlessly today, so apologies to all my Facebook and twitter contacts in advance for SPAM.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Hangover beats The Cure

Week 5 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Fuelled by an excess of vodka I did the run before anything else this morning. Probably this means it wasn't as hot as it was when I went out yesterday. But offset this against the hangover and the extra 0.2 miles I achieved today, compared to yesterday, on exactly the same course possibly backs up the whole 'if you have to listen to music while you run, make sure it's the right music' thing.

To get properly back on track v the plan I would need to run again tomorrow and I'm sorry, but 3 days in a row is my limit for now so I will be fiddling with dates for a while yet. Also made an enquiry to Diabetes UK about their guaranteed places for the Brighton Marathon next year having not got into London. That will change the target date and mean I need to fully reschedule if it comes off, so I'm not going through that process today.

Need to get back out in the scorchio now and mow the lawn and do some weeding. Will reward myself with a cold glass of something yummy when I'm done.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Feeling hot, hot, hot

Week 5 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to map and stats

Walk 1 minute, run 4 minutes times 6 - 30 minutes in total. The first session of this length and it nearly killed me. Absolutely scorchio out there, too.

Downloaded 'Mixed Up' by The Cure this morning. I used to have it and have no idea where it's gone. I used it as my training music today. I remember it being really quite dancey and, compared to the original versions, the tracks are definitely groovier. However, they are still fundamentally by The Cure and, in BPM terms, therefore categorisable as 'coma'. Not hugely compatible with impressive pace. But then, neither is being old, fat and lazy so I can't blame them entirely for my laughable performance! I have to do an identical session tomorrow and will revert to club classics and see if that makes a difference.

Distance, time and calories are all starting to build up quite satisfactorily already and I'm loving all the bells and whistles on the Garmin Connect site. In particular the 'player' that retraces your route and shows your speed and up/downhillness at every stage of the run. Not in real time, obviously, that would be ridiculous!

First technology fail

Week 4 final session by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to INACCURATE map, stats

Did this session yesterday morning before work. There is a bit of Portslade Old Village, near the church and the village green, that seems to be satellite-averse. My old pedometer always used to ask me if I was indoors (answer, obviously, 'I wish' - this is not an option and I might be prepared to pay for a firmware upgrade that had a sense of humour built in - any developers out there want to partner up?) when I got there and so did this new one. I didn't notice at the time, so although this was an out-and-back run as opposed to a circuit, and I finished where I started, it recorded only about 0.3 miles on the way out and 0.9 on the way back. I have manually edited the overall total, but can't seem to edit the 'splits'. Heigh ho.

Jog 10 minutes, mince/recover 2 minutes, jog 10 minutes. The 10 minute thing did not feel particularly realistic when I set off, but it actually wasn't too bad at all. My pace wasn't particularly impressive, but at least I managed.

Got the bad news that I have not got a London Marathon place for next year. This has removed some of the sense of urgency I had. Despite the lack of frequency of my sessions recently, I did have a sense of urgency! I simply can't afford to pledge the minimum amounts charities are asking for, for their guaranteed places. When I did my first one, I was the only person at work doing it and had a monopoly on the fundraising thing. Now, though, everyone's at it and I ain't winning any popularity contests. So I am investigating Brighton instead to see if minimum requirements there are less frightening. Fingers crossed.

Will get out for Week 5 session 1 today and again tomorrow. Getting up early in the morning was actually not that difficult, so I hope to be back on schedule very soon v the plan.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Week 4 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Week 4 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to course and stats

Updated training plan. Please feel free to download a copy and customise for yourself! This is taken from Sam Murphy's 'Marathon from start to finish', which I linked to in an earlier post. She has 6 full programmes based on how much time you can realistically devote to training and how hard you think you can push yourself. I think this is 'Ideal World', easier.  Stuff in green I am doing because I chose to.  Stuff in red is the actual programme to complete training for the London Marathon next year, i.e. 'must do'.

Charting in Google docs is utter rubbish.  Even when I did it properly, locally in Excel and uploaded, docs was unable to cope.  So I'll be uploading charts as follows after each run.

Session by Session - showing time spent, distance covered and pace (mins per mile).

Total Distance - I am intrigued to know how far I go in preparation for and on the big day, overall

Total Time - ditto how much of my life disappears while I'm doing it

Enough geekery.  I did the same session today as last time, but over a different course.  Although I always start outside my house and finish almost back here, meaning overall the elevation gain/loss is effectively 0, I seemed to spend more time running uphill this time.  This appears to be reflected in the distance I covered and the average pace.

Two things I really hate when running - hills and headwinds.  Both pretty much unavoidable when you live on the downs within spitting distance of the ocean.  Hills really make my bosoms, which I'm depressed to have to admit to having these days, hurt.  And headwinds are just unfair.  I barely move at the best of times, but into a headwind you need stop-motion cameras and 3 days to see any progress at all.  This also applies when I'm cycling.  Given that after my next marathon I want to try a triathlon, this is not all that encouraging!  I think it's the Hever Castle triathlon today and I really think I will be giving that a go next year.

Provided I can do another run tomorrow, I'm back on track for sticking to my plan!  I wasn't actually planning on running today, I was supposed to be enjoying my 40th birthday present - a blast round a track in a Lamborghini Murcielago.  But a case of identity theft saw the session rebooked for a different date, at a venue I have no hope of getting to, by someone apparently called Lee Colegate from Peterborough.  Sorted out now, but very annoying and stressful and not really how I wanted to spend my day off yesterday.  I booked this long weekend to really get the most out of the drive and have some proper fun and it's all gone wrong.

Hey ho, I can watch the Grand Prix instead and I still have Monday to waste in front of the Wii.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Week 4 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Week 4 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details - link to course details, splits, etc.

So, yes, I missed an entire week out. But I looked at the planned session in the training plan for today. I hate Google docs for spreadsheets, by the way, but you can't preview it online which I imagine you might want to if you bother following the link unless I upload it in that format. Will see if I can work out how charting works properly - I'd like to track my pace over time as well as my distance, although I imagine I may need to add sheets and collate data apart from the main plan to get anything remotely useful.

Anyway, today's run - 1 minute walk, 4 minutes run, 5 times. 25 minutes total. How hard can it be, right? The answer in fact is very, very. I hit a hilly circuit I don't normally brave until much later when the plan actually requires me to do hill running, which might not have been the wisest idea. But I've just visited a periodontist who's advised me I need 7 teeth removed, possibly 4 more, which I will have to get done by an NHS dentist (I'm not currently registered with one) for whatever it is they charge these days and spend about £600 having deep cleans done, potentially having to have more teeth removed if this doesn't kill off the infection. All caused by smoking - FAMILY PLEASE TAKE NOTE, ESPECIALLY THE SMOKERS AMONG YOU, MAY BE WORTH GETTING YOURSELVES CHECKED OUT - which puts more pressure on the whole quitting thing and makes it harder. And I was charged £150 for the news. I have to say, actually, she was a lovely woman and I'd recommend her unhesitatingly.

Anyway, got home a little freaked out and also in a certain amount of pain from all the prodding. Prodding which elicited her saying high numbers (bad) and also using the word 'pus' more frequently than I consider either polite or necessary.

I need to do everything I can to stimulate my circulation to prevent further deterioration - the damage already done is irreversible - so off I went on the hard (for me) run, on the hard (for me) course. It nearly killed me. While my overall pace for the session was improved versus previous runs, this is mainly due to the fact that I spent more of the session 'running' than on those earlier ones. My actual running pace was slower. You can see this if you follow the link right at the start of the post, if you care enough. Probably not helped by a fairly smoke-filled weekend and couple of days in the office, which I'm finding a slightly unpleasant place to be right now. Possibly shouldn't say that in the public domain, but hey ho.

And either 4 minutes is longer than I remember (not ruling out early onset wossname here) or I cover more ground in 4 minutes than I remember (ditto, and also clearly not the case).

I have to do this run once more this week, before again increasing the proportion of running in the week's 'hard' run.

Fingers crossed things improve.

Must re-read the important bits of Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking again this evening. It really did stick there, for a few weeks, but now it needs to be permanent. If I wasn't going to be spending so much on my damned gob in the next few months, I would look up a hypnotherapist, but for now, it's all down to me! So that should go well.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

So, here's the plan!

Buggered if I know whether the link will work, but anyone who cares please let me know if you cannot see the thing.  Good news is, there's plenty of breathing room before I actually have to be training in earnest.  I've bunged in the rest of the getting-to-30-minutes sessions starting next week and then there are about 10 weeks before the programme kicks off properly.  So I've reproduced the first 10 weeks of the programme.

Stuff in green is really kind of optional, stuff in red means it needs to be taken seriously and is part of the schedule leading up to 22 April - the date of the London marathon 2012.  I have taken the programme from Sam Murphy's excellent 'Marathon from start to finish'.  I notice in Amazon she's released an update in 2009 which now also covers half marathons as separate discipline.  AND she's done one on Triathlons, too, which is where I think I'm going next.  The old knees won't take many more miles and there are some nice local triathlons, by all accounts.

I can say with some confidence that I won't do a lot of what's in this plan.  But I will be conscientious about recording what I do and sharing in case anyone out there is in the same boat and needs to know they're not suffering alone.  I'll try to keep it upbeat and amusing - you can read old entries to see if you think I've been successful on that in the past!

Week 2 final session by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Week 2 final session by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

In case it wasn't clear, by the way, these links at the top of the post (not the post title, just below that) take you through to maps showing exactly where I went on each run.  All very 'big brother' but geeky and fun at the same time.  When I start to whine about hills (and I will, trust me), you will be able to check whether they are in fact mountains or molehills.  And so on.

So I went out first thing this morning, expecting the weather to be getting progressively worse during the day and meaning I'd be less likely to bother, the longer I left it. Wrong! Was blowy as hell when I was out and now it's bright sunshine!

Whatever, this is the first time in many months that I've actually done 2 runs on consecutive days and I am feeling capable of cracking on with the full training programme. I'm choosing to assume I will get place in the London marathon next year via the ballot. There's no way I can commit to raising the kinds of minimum amount a lot of charities need to give you one of their guaranteed places and last time I took one and fell short it cost me a fortune.

If I don't I believe paying will guarantee me a place in Brighton's marathon, which is the week before. So there won't need to be too much fiddling with the training plan. I'm going to edit 2010's plan working back from next year's big day to see if I actually need to have started already on the main programme, or whether I can spend a bit more time on the preliminary build-up stuff, which is what I'm doing now. It's basically about getting to a level of fitness where I can confidently run for 30 minutes non-stop and I'm nowhere near there!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Week 2 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Week 2 Session 2 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Horrendous weather they have threatened us with has yet to materialise, so I really had no excuse whatsoever not to drag myself round today. Pedometer appears not to have bothered recording the first 2 minutes' worth of walking, which is a bit of a bugger. I'm trying to see a progression here not just based on practice but also on a healthier lifestyle. I may have quit smoking to protect my teeth, but I am expecting to see other side benefits, dammit. A reduction in weeblishness being one of them.

If I can get out again tomorrow, I'll pretty much be back in shape to be doing a week's worth of sessions in a week, starting next week. You gotta have goals, right?

I also found my marathon training timetable from 2010, which I'm going to edit based on getting into the London marathon next year. Giving people visibility on what I should be doing wil allow them to shame me into doing it if they see me slacking. :-)

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Week 2 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Week 2 Session 1 by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

I know, I know. Week 2 is separated from week 1 by a matter of two whole months. Nevertheless, we're back in business and indeed this is the first of what I hope and intend will be many nicotine-free runs. But let's not get too carried away about that just yet.

Planning to go out again tomorrow.

Monday, 18 July 2011

I came across this, but it scares me

This promises to be quite an interesting little thingummy, but in all honesty I'm a bit scared to use it!  I haven't given up on the running, by the way.  But the weather's been foul and work has been hard.  I have a week off next week, so I will try to get into some sort of early morning routine while I have the afternoons to recover.  If you do have a play with this, let me know how it turns out.  I don't think it classifies you as a sad old lush or anything, but I want someone else to take the plunge before I do!

Life Insurance, car insurance & credit cards from Sainsbury's Finance

Monday, 4 July 2011

Total technology fail

Did session 3 this evening. Honest. Same as the last 2, but an additional rep for a total of 25 minutes. (15 walking, 10 running.) I covered 2.22 miles. But the GPS cleverness that has excited me failed utterly, also wiping the session from my device's memory. So, for now, if you're even remotely considering getting a Garmin Forerunner 310XT, excited as I was by the seemless interactivity and online history tracking and sharing, DO NOT BOTHER. I may change my mind if their customer service is any better than their product. If it turns out to be a Windows 7 thing I'll be really annoyed. Surely every piece of software should now support this.  Anyway. Bated breath. Garmin, pull your fingers out!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Seriously considering kicking the booze!

It has been, and you may get bored of my saying this before I get to a stage I feel I can stop, a week from hell at work this week.  I cycled to work on Tuesday, but have not yet felt up to cycling home again and, given the performance that is the putting on of running gear, not bothered either before or after work.

Got steaming drunk on very little (for me) alcohol last night and had a bit of a head when I woke up today. But the weather is on the stunning side of gorgeous and exercise is actually supposed to be a good way of getting rid of the morning after feeling.  So I stiffened the old sinews and headed out to do the second 'absolute beginners' session.  Note the change in language?  I have decided I have to stop putting myself down all the time.  There are plenty of other people to do that!  And I do indeed now feel MUCH better.

Took a different route this time, and managed to cover more distance.  Not sure if that's all down to the route or not.  Am choosing to take it as a signal of improving fitness, however unlikely that might be at this early stage.  New pedometer is proving to be a lot of fun, uploading maps and everything.  This session's map is here:  Still working out how to share these maps properly, so they may appear as posts individually for a while until I work it out.

Am looking forward a few months down the line to seeing how much distance I actually cover.  I've tried manually totting it all up in the past, but 21st century tech should do it all for me!  I plan to do a training programme based on the hopeful assumption of getting a place in the 2012 London Marathon.  I'm in no hurry though as I realistically don't need to start proper training until September and given the amount of time I spend staring at spreadsheets at work all week, creating one for any reason in my spare time is not top of the list!

Off to Cambridge this afternoon for fun and frolicks with one of my oldest and bestest friends from Uni days.  Time to freshen up.  Could take a while!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

1st step taken

Woke up this morning and it was all a bit gorillas-in-the-mist.  Bit the bullet and went out for the first session from the running-for-corpses bit of the book anyway.  Actually, ooing and aahing at the new trainers and the new t-shirt and getting various bits and bobs shrouded in lycra without their going all internal (yes, I ALWAYS wear something else on the top, I'm considerate that way) took significantly longer than the run itself.  Plus, having done the warm up exercises I had to stop for a cigarette before I went anywhere.

Anyway, 3minutes walking, 2 minutes running, 4 times, for a total of 20 minutes actually didn't kill me.  Pruning, propping, staking, weeding and trimming this afternoon (having spent a couple of hours in my customary prone position (photo not of me, of my cat, but gives you the picture without the nausea of the real thing!) watching the Grand Prix - great race for the minor positions, but a bot of a Vettel-not-really-in-the-same-race-as-everyone-else yawnfest up the front) in the garden in the FINALLY HERE scorching sunshine has nearly finished me off, though.

In what might turn out to be an excess of enthusiasm, I have also bought cycling shorts in the expectation of cycling to work.  That's not a topic for this blog, though, so will only share if anything remotely interesting happens.  Which it might.  Some of the regular cyclists on my commute are worse than the worst roadrage chavs if you take your time.

If anyone else out there is starting a fitness programme from scratch and happens to come across this, feel free to comment and let me know where you're reporting your progress!  I'll follow and we can set up our own mutual appreciation/support circle.

Sunday dinner and a drink now.  We've decided organising furniture on the decking is beyond our caring capabilities for this weekend.


Saturday, 25 June 2011

Time to try again

So, reverted to vegetable status following the Brighton marathon in 2010.  I have put my name down again for London next year - got to do the London marathon in London Olympics year, right?  Having spent a fortune on new kit (always the best bit!) I am now waiting for the promised weekend sunshine to show up.  I'm NOT doing my first run in the rain, it will put me off doing another one and my willpower is, obviously, fairly minimal.

I will be starting from scratch again, using the rather marvellous 'Marathon from start to finish'.  This will include the core strength exercises, which I neglected in my training for Brighton.  This, by the way, was blogged on The Argus website here, and I think I managed to get most of those posts onto here.  Anyway, I will be starting with the build up programme which involves a bunch of run-walks getting me to being able to run for 30 minutes non-stop.  My new GPS pedometer (which is a multi-sport jobbie, I'm thinking of switching to triathlons in future to reduce the load on the old - 40 bloody years old - knees) has wireless auto connecty thing to the Garmin website where I'll be tracking my progress.  If I can share that with you for extra laughs, I will.

Only thing holding me back now is the weather.  COME ON SUNSHINE!