
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Friday, 24 May 2013

It IS May, right?

It IS May, right? by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Just checking I didn't sleep through to November or something.  Really cold and miserable out there this morning.

Yesterday was a strange day, I had no energy at all and had an afternoon 'nap' that lasted for several hours.  This meant that I had one of the worst night's sleep ever last night.  I finally snet myself to bed, still quite alert, at midnight and was still awake at 2.30 this morning.

Which means that when I set out for my run today (which I could not motivate myself to do yesterday) I was, let's say, a bit below par.  And so the pace today was worse than Tuesday's 'easy' run, despite the target this time being a 'steady' run.  I just didn't have any bounce and my quads tightened up about half way, making it very difficult to stride out in anything approaching an impressive and athletic fashion.

Still, I completed the run and got home just before the wind picked up and th sky started hemming and hawing about dropping a load of icy rain on the world.  It still hasn't made up its mind. I'm really hoping it gets it over and done with and tomorrow is a dry, if cloudy, day, as promised in the recent forecasts.  We're off to Heathfield for the annual heifer watch at the Heathfield Show.  This is an annual ritual and always a bit of a riot, with much laughter and good times with our favourite cousins.  So PLEASE let the weather be OK!!!  I will try to do another run before we go, and the final one of the week on Sunday when we get home.  And if I don't, there's always Monday to catch up - Colin for once has a Bank Holiday off, so it will give him some 'me' time.

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