
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Thar she blows!

Thar she blows! by leecolgate at Garmin Connect - Details

Me, I mean.  @beachedwhalefromportslade.  Skived another session this week, Thursday's horrible-sounding interval session.  But I have good reasons that I won't go into in any detail; suffice to say I'm having to be very mature right now, I'm horribly out of practice and it's taking all my focus.

I'm really, really pleased with how today's session went.  It was only another 30-minuter, but it felt much easier than Tuesday's and the evidence is in the pace figure and the distance I covered.  This is, in fact, by quite a margin, my best performance so far.  And it didn't kill me, I felt all bouncy and energetic and, dare I say, athletic, throughout.  Hurrah!

Tomorrow's long session is a 50-minuter, I think.  Can't be bothered to check right now.  In the comforting glow of a job well done, I am onesied up in preparation for this evening's Eurovision lunacy.  Between now and then, I need to complete the weekend's 'having to be grown up' mission ready to deliver on Monday and then keep everything crossed that it pays off.

Even if you hate Eurovision, it's worth following the hashtag #eurovision (!) on Twitter, or finding someone that commentates.  Dare I suggest myself?  You'll get all the camp without having to watch it, and if you're watching it, get involved with the conversation.  It's an absolute hoot.  Hope to tweet you later.  @leecolgate signing off for now.

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