
After the Brighton Marathon 2010

Friday, 21 November 2008

Not running, but moving

I still haven't got back into the running thing, but hope to start this weekend. As long as it's not snowing.

I am doing daily Wii Fit now, though. And I had my bike fixed at long last, so have cycle commuted yesterday and today. If the pounds don't start dropping off my waist and adding themselves to my shoulders, I'll be most upset.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Fitpiggy filling up

Still not been for a run, but did a Wii Fit session at lunchtime yesterday and am opening up more and more exercises. Yoga's fun and really making me aware of my appalling posture. Muscle exercises are highlighting the fact that I have no muscles.

I also had my bike collected yesterday and hope to get it back today so I can start cycle commuting again.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Physical activity has occurred

It's not massive progress and certainly not enough to get me on the way to the half marathon in February. (I still haven't actually had confirmation I have a place, mind, just that they've accpeted my entry fee. Anyone else?)

But I did 30 mins on the Wii Fit yesterday, doing every available exercise once. Now, of course, I've opened up some more. Sigh. And, also, ow. My calves are killing me. Also my back. And, oh, my stomach. That'll be the lunges, press ups and jackknifes, then.

Am working from home for the next couple of days, so should be able to squeeze in sessions before I start and am also hoping to get my bike fixed by this lot, who are apparently fabulous.

Off the buses. Expect to hear whinge about by glutes in the near future.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Colds ain't what they used to be

This one's lasted 2 weeks so far. But I feel the end is in sight. I can breathe and taste my food again at last, but still cough every time I laugh, which is really annoying cos I laugh ALL THE TIME. Am hoping to run tomorrow. It was going to be today, but there was brandy last night and I've got ridiculous amounts of work to do this weekend which I'm focusing on today. I think I'll try the 'long run' from whichever week in the programme I'm meant to be in in order to be ready for a half marathon in February. Just working that out could take a while, but onwards and upwards and I'll let you know how it goes if and when it happens.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

I think you'll find it's double pneumonia

I've had a head full of yuck all week, aches and pains, etc. I haven't done any exercise at all and don't plan any today. Clearly, this can't be a simple cold. I am a man, after all. (Please feel free not to comment.) If I make it through the weekend without enduring a slow and painful death, I shall expect to be treated as a total hero and then I'll get back into the health thing.

Medical dictionaries are tremendous fun, aren't they? I believe I have some or all of the following:

Dengue Fever
West Nile Virus

I am therefore already a medical miracle and an absolute marvel. Go me!!!!!!

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Why do men have nipples?

So, I've finally restarted my physical activity. Set up the Wii Fit this morning and did a 20-minute session as a warm up. Actually, I did a 20-minute session and then had a ciggie, but what the hey.

Starting again with Sam Murphy's book 'Marathon from start to finish' as I'm aiming for the Brighton half marathon in February. 20 minute 'steady run' today, which wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be given my sedentary lifestyle since the London Marathon in April this year. I covered 2.24 miles. But my nipples are killing me, despite the low-friction running gear. Why, god, why? I know they're quite fun when they get the right sort of attention, but that hasn't happened this millennium and doesn't seem likely again....ever.

Depending on the pain level in my lallies, I'll try to get out again tomorrow. Anyone in Brighton know a good and cheap bike mechanic? I need some low-impact exercise while I train to try to protect these Friday-night-special knees of mine.

Excuse the overuse of the old hyphen. I'm finally starting to forget all the useless crap I learned at school. At least I didn't capitalise randomly like I do at work. Sometimes it's as if I were German!

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Fitness planning ahoy

Just returned from 2 weeks in Spain, staying at my parents' house in the hills in Almeria province, near the towns of Mojacar and Vera. It was utterly bona. a couple of really thundery days, which nobody minded as it turned the surrounding 'desert' environment a truly amazing shade of green as dormant plant life took advantage of the unusual weather. It also gave us an opportunity to spend time indoors playing ridiculous games and laughing a hell of a lot. Including doing Yoga and Aerobics on my prents' new Wii Fit, a birthday present to go with the Wii console we all clubbed together to get them for their ruby wedding anniversary.

Well, I'm inspired. It's real exercise, but indoors. So I bought myself one, too and will be using it regularly, as well as now committing to getting back into the whole running thing. I also need to get my bike fixed so I can start cycling to work every day again.

And the rest of the holiday was just great. Fresh, healthy mediterranean cuisine. Lolling about on the beach getting my lallies all bronzed and vardaing the dolly little pollones and great butch omies (of which there is a gratifying plethora) mincing up and down the sabled plage.

Back on pudding island (but with some surprising and most welcome sunshine), 8 weeks in the office and then off we all troll back to Spain for Christmas and new year.


Saturday, 13 September 2008

Not dead yet

I promised after completing the marathon that I'd keep up the running. That's not happened. I tried giving up smoking. (Again.) It lasted 2 weeks. I've been off the booze now for 2 weeks, but am eyeing a brandy as I type this. Nevertheless, I haven't entirely given up hope of regaining something resembling my youthful figure, nor of that level of fitness. I'm highly motivated by...well, photos of some utterly divine men on other people's blogs, some of whom obsess me to an almost frightening degree. I downloaded Webshots just so I could turn them into a screensaver and how bloody sad is that? I used to effing look like that. I had a 42 inch chest and a 28 inch waist and 5.5% bodyfat. If I could do it all over again, etc, etc....

Anyway, we've bought one of those...are they called elliptical trainers? Those gym machines that involve both arms and legs with a dirty great flywheel thingy. One of them. And I've just applied for a place in the Sussex Beacon Brighton half marathon again to give myself something specific to inspire me.

If you want to follow my progress, I don't expect it to be particularly rapid or consistent in the very near future. Work is utterly insane at the moment. But there's always the RSS option that will let you know when there's something new to read and, as usual, I'll probably be ruder about myself than I'd ever allow anyone else to be and it could be an amusing read in those idle times.

Ciao for now. Ooh, apparently I'm a poet and I...never mind.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Perhaps this is where I went wrong in my training!

Click the title of the post for a ruddy good laugh from one of my favourite websites.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Oh my god! I'm addicted!!!

Went out for a run yesterday. For fun! What the hell's wrong with me? I think it's the stimulation of the Evening Standard supplement and seeing my name listed along with all the other heroes and heroines that finished. And the official photos are out online and available for purchase. All the ones of me are towards the end where I can barely lift my feet off the gorund and am basically going backwards, but there's a great on of just me, just after I turned onto the Mall for the final 400 metres. I really think I might buy a copy - I'm using the one Colin took of me at mile 22 to promote my donation site at the moment, and everyone keeps commenting on how fresh I look. Well, for evidence that I really was in a terrible mess by the end, just go here:

and search for colgate 10910 under London Marathon 2008. Truly scary.

The upshot is, I think I might try to keep getting out for regular runs. Nothing silly, maybe 30 minute sessions, and I'm not going to be bothering to measure how far I get each time. If nothing else, it will help maintain the reduced waistline I've developed (I lost 3 inches altogether over the six months' training).

And at some point, I'll get back on here and work out my total mileage over the full duration of my blogged experiences.

Monday, 14 April 2008

The End

I can't quite believe it's all over, you know. I was really apprehensive when I got up yesterday morning to head to the start, but mainly because we were caught in a hailstorm that just appeared out of nowhere on Saturday afternoon.

I was a lot less nervous and a lot more excited after going to the Expo on Saturday. This is where everyone has to go and register, to collect their running numbers for their vests, and their 'Champion Chip' to attach to their laces and make sure their personal race time is recorded. Otherwise you're stuck with the time on the race clock, and it can take ages to get across the start line, which can depress you a bit when you think you've done a decent time.

I did all the admin stuff and then Colin and I spent a happy couple of hours wandering round all the charity and sportswear stands, meeting very nice and very nervous people and generally soaking up the atmosphere. I bought myself a watch with some money I got for my birthday. Then we went for a wander around Oxford Street and couple of drinks, before heading back to Tom and Marjorie's house in West London. They are great friends and have a fantastic family, and put us up for the weekend.

Sunday dawned quite bright and lovely and I got up at 6 to make sure I was on the tube for 7 to head to the start. It was a great journey, despite my utter loathing of the underground system (I suffer with claustrophobia and just heading down the escalator can set me shaking like a leaf). From Perivale, there was only one other runner (we were easily identifiable by the huge 'FLM 2008' kit bags. This gradually increased as I headed into central London, until by the time I got to London Bridge, there was just a sea of running people giving off nervous and excited vibes in equal measure. We were crammed in like sardines, but everyone was just so nice and good humoured about it. The people who came to support me said exactly the same thing. Normally, London transport is totally silent - people ignoring each other and just praying for a seat. But the crowds on marathon day are stupendous when the line the course and friendly, happy and chatty when travelling. My cheering squad had a thoroughly lovely time. Colin was up, obviously. My mum and dad flew back from Spain to come and cheer me on. My sister joined them. Hayley's mum Sharon and her partner John were there. (Hayley was unfortunately not able to come - she's not diabetes-related ill, thank god, but has been suffering with University stress for a couple of weeks and been sufficiently poorly as a result to make the additional stress a bad idea.) And Tom travelled in with Colin, accompanied by the eldest of their 4 children, while Marjorie took the youngest two to a party.

Anyhoo, I suppose I'd better get on and tell you how it went. It was freezing to start with, except when the sun found a break in the clouds, when it was glorious. The 3 mile point where the blue and green courses merge (I was at the blue start this time, having been at the green one last time) was utterly hysterical again and eased some tension - the people from each start shouting 'cheat' and other such witticisms at the people from the other. Not particularly clever or funny, I know, but believe me, it was enough to amuse those of us doing the run!!!

I had been really concerned that I hadn't done a long enough long run during training, having not got further than 15 miles. But things were great to 15 miles and beyond. A torrential downpour that only lasted about 10 minutes managed to cool me down rather nicely, but made things slightly uncomfortable until the kit dried out. I passed the 15 mile mark...16...17...18...19. It felt really smooth, although there was obviously some pain and fatigue setting in. (I didn't see my cheering crew, who should have been at the 13 mile mark, which would also be the 22 mile mark when I passed it in the opposite direction on the way to the finish. They were, apparently, about an hour behind their schedule and I was ahead of mine.)

At 20 this sodding right knee of mine began to twinge. Now, this is the reason the marathon took me over 6 hours to complete last time. My pelvis and spine were twisted, causing the ITB in my right leg to be under tension even when at rest. Doing the marathon highlighted this and after last time, I had 6 months of physio and 18 months off running. I've had no such trouble during training this time, though and I was REALLY fucked off when the pain kicked in - it was exactly the same pain, in exactly the same place. It was not, however, as bad as last time - I could take weight properly on the leg, and if I had to walk for a bit (which I did periodically for the last 5 miles or so), it did ease and allow me to put in another burst of 'running'.

I was desperate not to walk at all this time round. Apart from anything else, I've found during training that I'm much better off not stopping for any reason (including comfort breaks - I managed the entire distance without one of those, at least), as starting again, especially when I'm tired, is really difficult and I never quite get back to the pace I was at before I stopped. But I had no choice, the knee was having none of it.

Once again, the crowds carried me through. I simply can't express the atmosphere, the support, the amazing goodwill that surrounds you at this event. The spectators must have been cold, they were certainly soaked twice (as was I), but they just want everyone to succeed. Having my name on my shirt proved a massive bonus again, as people were shouting for me (and at me, but in a nice way) by name. The adrenaline rush you get when someone calls your name and gives you encouragement is without comparison. On a number of occasions, I really felt like quitting, limping along at a snail's pace with tears streaming down my face. I saw Sharon and John at 22 miles (and Colin, on the other side of the road with Tom, Laurel and Karalo), which was just after the pain started. With 4 more miles to go on that knee, I really couldn't picture myself crossing the finish line. But how can you drop out with thousands and thousands of people encouraging you, driving you on, supporting you?

Those last 4 miles were agony. I took on a lot of calories (thanks to everyone who brought jelly babies!!!!) and fluid (I'd been taking a drink at every station, but just taking a few sips and mostly discarding the rest) and that did seem to help a bit. The pain didn't go away, obviously, but it gave me the strength to get my posture sorted and lift my knees properly in front of me, which reduced the impact with each stride.

I think I must have been the slowest person on the entire course for the last mile and a bit. Everyone passed me and I passed nobody. But I did it. I bloody did it.

I crossed the line in 4 hours 30-something minutes. I have to be honest, I wasn't looking at the race clock and while my pedometer said 4h30mxxseconds, I had looked down at one point on the course to find it had switched itself off or gone into standby or something, so I'm not taking that as gospel.

The full results will be in the Evening Standard on Tuesday. I've ordered a copy to be delivered to my home out here in the provinces, but I'm not that fussed. I was and hour and a half quicker than last time. So there.

I don't think I will ever do a marathon again. It's been proved twice now that my knees can't take it. Also, my nipples are unbelievably sore. Just thought I'd share. But I'll do half marathons (and would like to try a triathlon). And I'll definitely be joining the crowds and cheering on those people brave enough to take on this mammoth challenge. I'm incredibly proud of myself (filling up again now as I type this, god I'm such a girl).

I hope those of you who have been following my progress have enjoyed the experience. If this is your first visit, go back and read it from the beginning. It's funny!!!


Friday, 11 April 2008

My birthday, last training run

Woke up this morning as a 37 year old. Eeek. Last half hour session polished off, now it's all eat, sleep, don't panic.

Whether you're lining the streets this Sunday (which is in itself a great experience, I've heard) or watching on telly, keep an eye out for me and cheer me on. I'm the skinhead in the Diabetes UK top (pink and black), with my name on the front and the back. My running number is 10910.

The next post will be the last, after I've done the thing. Woo hoo!!!!

Friday 11 April. Easy 30 minute run. 3.4 miles covered.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

1 more session to go

Okay. Trying to stay positive. I mean, I KNOW I can finish the distance, I'd just really set my heart on running the whole thing this time. This evening felt fluid and easy. And if the weather's like this on Sunday, it'll be perfect. Bloody glorious evening. Now, THIS is what Spring should be like.

Tuesday 8 April. 30 minute easy run. 3.42 miles covered.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Last 'long' run

Four sessions in the book this week, but today's was a 30 minute 'cross training' session. I could probably have managed a few hours' 'slightly irritated gardening', but given the forecast for tomorrow, I thought I'd be better off doing the run instead.

Saturday 5 April. Run 5 miles. 42 minutes 33 seconds.

Just 2 sessions next week. It's my birthday on Friday and Colin's on Saturday, but there will be no fun-having. So we're out to dinner Thursday night with my mum and dad, who are coming back from Spain to join the happy throng cheering us all on on Sunday. Then I've got Friday off to travel to London, Saturday to try to carb up (and keep them down!) and the big day.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

10 days and counting

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Can't believe it's almost here.

Thursday 3 April. Run 30 minutes. Piece of piss. Well, you'd hope so by now, wouldn't you? 3.46 miles covered.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

2 weeks to go

Way too late now to really build up the stamina I'm sure I'm lacking. But I plan to do every run in the last two weeks of the programme in exactly the order and form prescribed. Additional distance not really the aim at this stage, but I'll keep recording them as I'm sure at some point I'll get round to totting up my total mileage.

Tuesday 1 April. (And no, I'm not lying. Did anyone see the BBC's flying penguins? GENIUS.) Interval run for 20 minutes. 2.47 miles covered.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Time to taper

Yeah, right. E-mails coming in from all over the place - the marathon site, Diabetes UK, the online store I bought my trainers from. Everywhere. 'You must cut down your distances now'. 'Don't run more than 4 miles in a weekday session.' 'Don't attempt more than 10 miles in this weekend's long run.' If I'd managed to keep on track throughout my training, I'd be over the moon and happy to cut down. But I've had a few dodgy weeks since Christmas and not really done a genuinely long run yet. So I set myself a target today of at least getting past 15 miles, which has proved to be something of a mental barrier so far. I ran to Worthing pier from home, which turned out to be 8.25 miles exactly, then turned round and tried to get all the way home. I didn't hit the wall as I have done in the past, but 15 miles was my limit. And not in the best time ever. Hey ho. I'll just have to hope the crowds, the atmosphere, and people to compete with bring something out of me on the day.

Sunday 30 March. 15 miles covered in 2 hour 27 minutes 36 seconds.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Better than nothing

Weather earlier was kind of OK, so I decided to attempt a proper long run. I should be in the 20 mile range by now, as these next couple of weeks should be a major 'taper' time. I'm so far off 20mile capability it's not even funny, but I wanted to do at least 2 hours today and I managed that, without stopping once, and also covered the longest distance I've managed in a single session, non stop.

Monday 24 March. Run. 14 miles covered in 2 hours 8 mins 37.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Windy, innit?

I wanted to work today and Monday - I have loads to do and this was a chance to get ahead on some things and keep up with others. I went in at 7 this morning and there turned out to be 2 locks on the office door - my key only opens one of them. Not best pleased and now dreading going back on Tuesday, instead of getting up to date and going in all relaxed. Sod it.

Swirly, wintry wind this morning, but by the time I got back from the office after kicking the door for a bit, the rain had at least stopped. Went out for a moderately challenging run - I had kind of given up hope of doing the 20 mile/3 hour session this weekend what with work plans, but may now do another longer session tomorrow and give that a go on Monday. It's not like I made plans for any fun, after all.

Friday 21 March. Run 1 hour. In spite of the wind, which seemed to be in my face the whole time - impossible, I know, I'd need my own microclimate and while I'm admittedly not in the best shape ever, it's not like you can look me up on Google Earth or anything - I covered 7.22 miles.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Quick troll

I had to go to our London office today, which is never my favourite journey. And it's sodding freezing. So just a short session today to keep in. That doesn't sound right, but it's a stock phrase and you know what I mean.

Wednesday 19 March. Run 30 minutes. 3.56 miles covered.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Missed the BIg run this week

Erring on the side of caution, given all the health issues I've had recently, I decided not to go out in the pouring rain yesterday morning. I've decided that the only way I can really do these long, long runs properly is to make them the first thing I do that day. After slogging round Tesco, etc., I always find I'm not really interested, which is not the best frame of mind in which to try something you've never done before. So even though it stopped raining later on, I didn't run yesterday. On the majorly plus side, this is the first time I've done a 90 minute session (Saturday) and had no aches and pains, no trouble moving about, at all afterwards. So I think I'm approaching the stage where this training is doing more good than harm. Hopefully, just in time!!!

Saturday, 15 March 2008


Quite a nice day, not too warm and not too cold with a decent breeze (in the face for the first half, on my back on the way home). Felt much better over the distance than I have for quite a while. Usually I start to struggle with the muscles right at the top of the front of my legs, level with my wotsits - I'm sure there's a name for them, but I can't be bothered to find out - anyway, they're the ones that lift my knees up in front of me properly, after about 8 miles. But today, no problems at all.

Saturday 15 March. Run 1.5 hours. 10.08 miles covered.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Definitely back to fitness (approximately)

Abandoned programme now, as there's no way it will get me to where I want to be. I'm just doing time-based runs this week to build up. Will try 1.5 hours tomorrow and 2 hours Sunday, then try some 'proper', prescribed sessions during the week next week and either 20 miles or 3 hours next Sunday, whichever comes up sooner.

Friday 14 March. Run 1 hour. 7.06 miles covered.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

I'm back

Well, it's been a bit of a break, but totally guilt-free as I was legitimately ill. I am a bit worried about getting to the required mileage over the next couple of weeks, after which I'm supposed to start tapering. My longest run so far is 15 miles and I hit the wall after 11, although I think that was down to the onset of the chest infection that's kept me out of action.

I'm hoping to retry the 15 miles this weekend and then aim for 20 next weekend to get back in line with the schedule. I really don't want to have to do a super long run any closer to the big day.

Anyway, went out this evening for the first time in over 2 weeks.

Wednesday 12 March. Run 45 minutes. I made it hilly. Distance covered 5.20 miles.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Officially ill

Yes, finally I have a proper illness that can be treated. I visited the doctor yesterday and was told I have a throat and chest infection, probably also an ear infection although I'm too waxed up (blech) for them to see properly. I had already started to feel a lot better, but am much happier now I have antibiotics to mop up the rest of the germs and am confident that when I start running again - I'm not quite there yet - I'll be able to do it all properly, with no further interruptions. The big day's starting to loom quite large inthe near future, so this is a real relief. It's unlikely I'll get out this week before Friday at the earliest. I fly to Dublin on business tomorrow evening and get back late on Thursday. But by then I hope to be pretty much 100% recovered. I plan to give myself a break from the truly killer long runs again this weekend, but will try to do a proper two weeks' worth of weekday training, including getting out this weekend for shorter runs if possible, and hit the big miles again next Sunday - probably with a 17 miler. Please keep coming back even if there's no new news on the blog, and send me your messages of encouragement. I need all the help I can get!!!

Thursday, 28 February 2008


You may have gathered I didn't go out on Tuesday evening. I feel rotten. Most of the aches and pains have now left me, but my throat is incredibly sore still and my chest is very tight. Am hacking away in a manner that appears to frighten quite a lot of my colleagues. I'm on the mend, though - I can think straight and walk properly, at least. I'm hopeful I'll be shot of this bloody infection in the very near future and am resolved not to panic about falling behing schedule. I'll definitely not be doing a long run this weekend, but come Saturday I may start combining this week's shorter runs with next week's, so I can attempt next week's long run at the end of next week. I'm worried whether that makes sense. Reading it back, I see that it does. More drugs, please! Ciao.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Bloody ill a-bloody-gain

Had a horrible time running on Sunday (as you will have seenin the entry for that day). When I got home, I started violently shivering, but just thought that was because of all the energy I'd burnt up. That's why they give you those lovely foil capes after marathons, after all. But then I lost all sensation in my fingertips and it took hours to come back. I had a nap after stretching and eating dinner and woke up feeling OK - no soreness, or stiffness. But since yesterday morning I've been feeling dreadful. Every muscle in my body hurts, I'm getting shooting pains in my bones (feels a bit like when you break a bone), I have a dry, sore throat and a cough and I feel all weak and shaky. And my stomach is in a mess. A couple of other people at work have the same thing and so does my aunt. I'll be trying a 30 minute run this evening, but am not convinced I'll get very far. But for the weekend runs to go properly, I need to spread out the shorter ones better through the week.

Hayley's still doing really well, by the way. I'm probably suffering more than she is lately!!!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

There's something about race day

I was stunned and thrilled, as you know, with how well last weekend's race went. Back to normal for today's long run, unfortunately. The last 4 miles were agony. And I have my doubts again about the reliability of the pedometer I'm using. At half way, it was showing about 1 hour 11. I wasn't expecting anything great, as I felt quite flatfooted and was making a lot of noise with each footfall, in contrast to last week. But this would mean I ran a negative split and, trust me, that is simply not the case.

I don't know what it is about running with an audience that lifts my performance. Perhaps my ingrained fear of embarrassment.

Sunday 24 February. Run 15 miles. Time taken 2 hours 19 minutes 34 seconds.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Hill run. Aaagh.

2 dry days and nights in a row. 1 day at a time.

Saturday 23 February. 50 minute hill run. 5.71 miles covered. Damn those hills.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Done something

Missed yesterday. You may have noticed. Back out tonight, though.

Friday 22 February. Run 1 hour. 7.2 miles covered.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Crap week

As you might have gathered, I was on a real high after the half marathon. And I recovered really quickly, no aches and pains on Monday. I was planning to run Tuesday evening, but my car was broken into so I had to fiddle about sorting that out. And yesterday morning my remortgage, which I thought was all sorted, went a bit wrong and I just couldn't motivate myself.

I will be out this evening if it kills me and may try another run tomorrow, then the two weekend runs as normal. And now an announcement. I am an alcoholic. I simply cannot drink in moderation. Therefore I can't drink at all. Simple as that.

Monday, 18 February 2008

Official time confirmed

Results posted online this morning. 1 hour 51 minutes 22 seconds. Woohoo! I was the 1914th person across the line, but some of those finishing ahead of me were slower than me - they just started further forward. The reults are in PDF, so I can't sort them on 'chip time' to actually find out where I finished in terms of time, but I'm well chuffed with the time itself. And I seem to be able to walk about like a normal person this morning.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Brighton Half Marathon Completed!!!

A fantastic morning. I was feeling a little dubious about my potential today, given the ridiculous quantity of vodka I consumed yesterday. My stomach was not happy and my legs were very shaky. Beautiful bright sunshine and blue skies promised much, although it was bitterly cold at 9.15 when I arrived in the start area and when I had to remove my warm gear and head to the start I thought I'd die of hypothermia.

But it all went very well once we finally got started. I crossed the start line with 6 minute 50 already showing on the clock - there were about 5000 people running - and started my timer. For the first two or three miles it was actually quite difficult to run at my preferred pace, as we were really packed together through the narrow streets. Once we got onto the seafront, though, I started to stretch my legs. I was 2 minutes behind where I wanted to be at the 4 mile point, but had cut that to 1 minute by the end of the 7th mile. And my finish time (based on my time spent racing, not the official clock) was quite simply shocking in a brilliant way. Bearing in mind my target time was 2 hours and I thought 1 hour 57 might be doable, I'm ecstatic. Especially as, lovely though the course is in general, there was series of utterly bastard hills, both up and down, from 9 miles or so to the end. I even managed a proper push for the final mile.

Sunday 17 February. Half Marathon Race. Time taken 1 hour 51 minutes-ish. I stupidly forgot to press 'stop' on my timer when I crossed the line, but the official clock said 1 hour 57 minutes something, so based on when I crossed the start line this is as close as I can guesstimate.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Another warm up - BIG DAY TOMORROW

I was planning a four-run week, but tomorrow's race day for the Brighton Half Marathon and wise words from people at work who have more experience in these matters made me rethink and switch down to 3 runs including the race. I should really have done this second one either on Thursday or yesterday, but my god it's been cold in the evenings so I went out this morning while the sun was out. Very nice it was, too, and I felt really good.

Saturday 16 February. 50 minute Fartlek 'of your choice'. Well, by choice I wouldn't do a fartlek of any description. But I combined it with a hill run and included 8...well...for the sake of argument, let's call them sprints. 6.05 miles covered.

Really looking forward to tomorrow, especially if the weather's like today. I hope to have a very impressive time to report (am aiming for under 2 hours) tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Week 9, 1st session

I've been meaning for weeks to try to do a run on Tuesday. The back end of the week has been really loaded, which has left me to stiff too manage it previously. Today, though, I got back on the bike to work and back and that seemed to loosen up most things, except my hamstrings.

So I went out for the first run of the week tonight. I definitely still had a lot of Sunday's session still in my legs, but I hope this means I can go out again Thursday, then Saturday and Sunday and establish that as a pattern.

Tuesday 12 February. Run 1 hour. Only 6.94 miles, but as I say, I hope to see steady improvement in these runs now if I can avoid doing Friday, Saturday and Sunday all in a row.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Chuffed or disappointed?

Not really sure, to be honest. Slower than a slow thing on a slow day, but I completed the target distance of 14 miles, which I wasn't sure I'd manage after last week's 12.5 mile blow out. Pain, pain and more pain. Beautiful weather again, although I could have done with a bit more of a breeze. And I lost the lid of my drink bottle, so I ended up wearing more than I drank, which I don't think helped the time either. Also, thanks to the weather, the seafront in Brighton was absolutely packed. Now, I have no problem with that. But for god's sake, you lovey-dovey, self-absorbed couples, if you see someone staggering towards you in agony clearly trying to run (regardless of how fast they're actually moving), can you not let go of each other for two bloody seconds so they don't have to do a hoppy jumpy skippy maneuver to get round you? Seriously.

Sunday 10 February. Run 14 miles. Time taken 2 hours 8 minutes 41 seconds.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

2nd run, week 8

There was another session I could have done last night, a 30-minute 'cross training' (i.e. not running) thing. But I couldn't be bothered. It's been a really busy week at work and I was knackered.

Today the weather is gorgeous!!! Running along the seafront was lovely and for the first time in a long time I didn't have to wear a windproof top over my t-shirt. I therefore sweated a lot less (sorry, but these details are important) and got a lot less tired, so my pace was much better than it has been recently. Really pleased with the result.

Saturday 9 February. Run 1 hour. 7.31 miles covered.

14 miles tomorrow! And next Sunday is the Brighton half marathon. If you're in Brighton, come down to the seafront and cheer. If you're not and you're coming into Brighton, for god's sake leave your car at home!!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

1st run week 8

Short blog tonight, dinner's coming.

Wednesday 6 February. Run 40 minutes. 4.66 miles covered.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Bloody hell!

I've finally got round to doing another running total distance check. So far altogether I have covered 163.46 miles!!! (About what Paula Radcliffe does in a week, but for me this really quite a shock.)

This is over 6 marathons!

If I hadn't blagged my way through (i.e. basically missed out totally) about 4 weeks' worth of the programme, god knows what the total would be.

Will be really interesting to find out the final total.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Marvellous weekend

We went to 'Sing-along-a-Sound-of-Music' last night with my sister and my insane cousin and her partner. I'd never seen the film, but as soon as we got to the theatre (after a yummy meal at Al Duomo, the best Italian restaurant in Brighton) and saw the men dressed as nuns, women dressed as kittens and every other combination you can imagine I knew we were in for a good night. Even before the film started, a very funny man spent a while holding fancy dress competitions and telling us all the moves we had to do during each song, who to boo and who to cheer, etc. Within about 30 seconds of the film starting I had a stitch and tears streaming down my face and couldn't see what was going on on screen, so I contented myself with waving my arms in the air shouting 'the hills, the hills' every few minutes and randomly doing actions and making noises, la-la-la-ing my way through songs cos I couldn't read the words. Tawk abaht larf. You must do this at least once. Finally got to bed about 2 o'clock - it took a while to unwind once we got home, and the thing didn't finish until 11:00.

Majorly horrible wind today, but I managed to work out where it was coming from correctly this week, so it was in my face most of the way out on today's run, and pushing me along most of the way back. I didn't manage the full 13 miles, but am nevertheless most chuffed with myself. In much aching an paining right now, though and dreading trying to get out of bed or move about tomorrow!!!

Sunday 3 February. Run 12 to 13 miles. I did 12.5. Time taken 1 hr 51 minutes 8 seconds. Even my arms ache!

Saturday, 2 February 2008

I lied

I underestimate myself sometimes, you know. For the past couple of weeks I've been a total wreck thanks to my mortgage lender, Platform, unable to motivate myself to run. I thought that would probably continue till the end of this week at least, but yesterday I suddenly seemed to snap out of it.

I have therefore done one of the runs from week 7 today and will try the long run tomorrow (weather permitting). Given that it's supposed to be 13 miles and the furthest I've been so far is 10 miles, 2 weeks ago, that may prove overambitious, but as long as I get out and do a substantial distance I'll be happy. Today's run gives me hope - it went much better than I could possibly have expected given my recent progress.

Saturday 2 February. Run 50 minutes. 6.06 miles covered.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Forget it for this week

Anyone else in end-of-mortgage-fixed-term hell? Can't think about anything else for now. May attempt a repeat of the 10 miler on Sunday, just to make sure I don't lose track completely. But there will be no other runs this week.

Monday, 28 January 2008

Missed long run

Fairly major personal crisis meant a great big drink Saturday night and an inability to think about anything else on top of Sunday's hangover.

Will do the weekly sessions for the next week in the plan and build up to a 12 miler this weekend.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

'Easy' run done

Yes, well. 11 miles tomorrow. After that, I'll probably look back on today with much fondness, remembering how easy it was! Am also collecting my vest number tomorrow morning for the Brighton half marathon in a few weeks.

Saturday 26 January. 30 minute easy run. 3.61 miles covered. After tomorrow's session, I'll try to remember to look back and turn my total miles covered so far into a count of marathons.

Friday, 25 January 2008

Interval run done

The one I should have done Tuesday, but got all blonde about. Anyhoo, I can stride out alright when it's called for, but my recovery periods are a thing to behold and cancel out any additional distance I might be expected to cover over and above a normal 30 minute session. On the plus side, this is the most distance I've covered in a half hour since the bug from hell attacked me totally unprovoked and tried to kill me. KILL ME, I say. Outrageous.

Friday 25 January. 30 minute interval run. 3.64 miles covered.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Week 6 Run 1

Cocked it up. When I left the house, I knew I was going for 30 minutes. But I managed to forget it was supposed to be an interval run. Luckily, the other 2 runs this week are both 30 minutes as well, so I can just swap the order. Doh!

Tuesday 22 January. Run 30 minutes. 3.58 miles covered.

Am collecting my race number and stuff for the Brighton half marathon this Sunday.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Long, long, long run done

10 bloody miles. Took the wrong route today, so the wind was in my face all the way back. Still very chuffed with my time, though.

Sunday 20 January. Run 10 miles. Time taken 1 hour 25 minutes and 14 seconds.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Week 5, run 3

Saturday 19 January. Run 30 minutes. 3.61 miles covered.

10 miles tomorrow. Eek.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Week 5, run 2

Definitely on the mend, tonight felt much better. Despite a wok's party last night and a lunch with wine with clients today.

Friday 18 January. 25 minute 'interval' run (i.e. really push for 2 minute bursts, then recover at your own pace - generally making a fool of yourself wearing lycra in public while being overtaken by zimmer frames). 3.05 miles covered.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

1st run, week 5

Week 4 abandoned, as below. Still feeling a bit tight in the chest, but well on the way to full recovery.

Wednesday 16 December. 20 minute 'threshold' (i.e. kill yourself) run. 2.47 miles covered. Not too shabby, but would have preferred 2.5 plus.

Still here

I've not disappeared off the face of the planet. It's just that after the two weeks' illness the first run (30 minutes) took a lot longer to recover from than expected and, by the time I felt up to training again the weather had gone all hideous. I'm not that much of a masochist.

The weather has taken a turn for the better today, so I think a run is in order this evening. I've decided to skip the 9-miler that I should of done to finish off week whatever-number-it-was (just checked, it was week 4) and do the weekday runs from the following week, with a 10-miler to finish off.

So I'll be out for 20 minutes tonight, 25 minutes Friday, 30 minutes Saturday and 10 miles Sunday. Come back later for a report on today's run.

Monday, 14 January 2008


I had planned the long run for yesterday. But after the half hour on Saturday, the first run for two weeks, I simply cannot believe how much my legs hurt!!! So I didn't go. I may go this evening, depending on the weather, but will catch up and get back on schedule asap. Brighton half marathon is something to aim for now, so some urgency creeping in.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Back in the game

Feeling so much better than I have for the past couple of weeks, but clearly not quite 100% yet. This week was supposed to be a 30 minute 'cross training' session (i.e. something other than running), a 25 minute fartlek and a long run of 9 miles. A fartlek was quite out of the question today, so I just did a 30 minute run. I'll be doing the 9 miles tomorrow, but not setting a target time - I just want to finish it OK.

Saturday 12 January. Run 30 minutes. 3.53 miles covered. A bit down on what I'd have liked, but not really surprising.

Friday, 11 January 2008

I'm not dead

Saw the doctor on Tuesday. It turns out I have no bacterial infection and it's just a hideous virus, or 'flu like illness'. So antibiotics would be no use at all and all she could prescribe was a cough mixture with codeine in to help with the pain and help me sleep. It's dead good fun, is codeine. Have had some lovely hallucinations and slept like nobody's business. Am feeling one hell of a lot better today and will be back at work on Monday - and working from home today to try to make up for some of the lost time. I'm very new in the role and the company (joined in early November) and things have been going brilliantly, so I really want to try to keep up the momentum now I'm feeling better. There are actually only 2 runs in the week of the programme I'm currently in - a 25 minute fartlek and a 9 mile long session. Depending on the weather this weekend, I may try to polish those off and get back on schedule with my training asap.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Still poorly

Getting very miserable and frustrated. Sent hoe from work again yesterday. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon to hopefully get some drugs that will actually make me better.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Bloody winter, bloody circles of infection

Got rid of a minor cold before Christmas and had a lovely time - did 4 runs during Christmas week, as you can see from the reports below. However, spending time with friends and family, rushing hither and thither to catch up with everyone over the festive period brought me into contact with all sorts of new and interesting bugs, one of which has had me flat out and incapable this week. I've not been to work since I was sent home sick on Monday and have got worse and worse ever since. Hot flushes, cold shivers, inability to breathe through my nose at all, tight chest, all over aches and pains - I've got the lot. It looks like this week will be a week without either work or training sessions and I'm taking all sorts of potions and jollops in the hope of being able to get back to normal and back on track next week. All I need now, of course, is for my other half to get the damn thing so we can pass it back and forth in a festival of caring and sharing! I hope to have more runs to report in the very near future.